General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to reach 5k MMR with new ID?

How to reach 5k MMR with new ID? in General Discussion

    Anyone can answer that question ? and how about TBD ? Thanks.


      You try to get good as much as you can.


        be a 5k+ player originally


          whether the average kill / death influence?


            no, only your personal skill

            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

              i always in normal skill :( , how i can do that very high skill :(

              Onii chan

                my smurfer friend said its ez ( 5.2k mmr ). before ur thropy got 50 and play tbd, play with 65% winrate and ur must be at vhs whatever role u are

                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                Miku Plays

                  u need to pick NP and get at least 10k Tower dmg every single game


                    you can't calibrate more than 4.999


                      lmao, theres still people like this on db

                        이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

                          ^ you guys are actually so fucking stupid.

                          If you're good, your smurf account will be good. Good players calibrate about mid 4k then rank it up from there cause they are naturally good.

                          It has very little to do with winrate, KDA, or anything else. If you're good then you're good, if you're bad, you're bad and nothing can save you from that bar getting good.


                            ^ this
                            5k = 5k if u are 2k and wanna smurf to 5k, u are gonna end up on 2k


                              you are 2700 mmr player why would u want a 5k calibration anyways


                                but would be my pleasure to sell u a 1lvl vh skill acc tbh


                                  i just wanna play vhs.. i always do best i can :) but still normal skill :(

                                  < blank >

                                    That's because you are normal skill and in a vhs game you would only feed


                                      SE Asia player CONFIRMED. well im a SE player myself.


                                        You can calibrate a new account to about 4.5k pretty ez, above that im not sure. i don't know anyone who has calibrated above 5 recently, there may be a limit?

                                        Just pick fucking zues mid every game, my friend had 3.6k solo and made a smurf a month back and calibrated 4.5 party, solo hes not high enuf lvl yet but unless some nerf hits zues im sure he'll get 4.5 solo too.

                                        Jesus Christ is a Black L...

                                          To get VHS, just spam Spectre. LOL. Check my profile, I also have a new account here.


                                            Badman confirmed


                                              ^^ spectre spammer, something's funny going on with skill/ranking if all you have to do to get to high skill after creating a new account is:

                                              1. lose two games
                                              2. do poorly in one, do okay, not amazing, in the other

                                              something's afoot...


                                                omg, nobody XD

                                                Jesus Christ is a Black L...

                                                  That's the point, Spam Spectre = High/VHS. LOLOL
                                                  I averaged [6.5/5/6.5(KDA = 2.6)] in my first 2 games which are both L before i got the High Skill


                                                    2.6 KDA is far from amazing, but apparently that will get you in high skill!
                                                    good job!

                                                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                    Jesus Christ is a Black L...

                                                      2.6 KDA is not even good for a carry hero. Me too doesn't expect yet the HS in the 3rd game.

                                                      kenny liao

                                                        i did spamming spectre, and i got vhs easily haha :D

                                                        saving private RTZ

                                                          Have you ever considered that maybe you don't deserve VHS?

                                                          Meat Spinner

                                                            Well said man !


                                                              Its not worth if ur skills are 3k but want to reach ez 5k..u will get flamed alot in games, harassing by account buyer etc etc becus of skill difference..just try ur best n learn new things n tactics..eventually ull reach the level of skill bracket u want..#Free advise .ciao


                                                                better use support or carry to get 5K MMR ?


                                                                  None, the best way to get 5k is, like it was already mentioned before, being already 5k.


                                                                    This is how I got a smurf of mine into very high skill.

                                                                    5 Matches.

                                                                    Picked Morphling Every Match, meaning that hero versatility is not a factor.

                                                                    1st game : 25-1 , got a rampage, 25k hero damage, bought rapier, got like 7k tower damage
                                                                    2nd game : 19-1
                                                                    3rd game : 15-1
                                                                    4th game : lost, i was like 5-9
                                                                    5th game: 20-1

                                                                    then i got placed into very high skill

                                                                    At this point you can spam bot matches because you'll most likely be above 4k.

                                                                    This is what many people don't realize though, even if you get to very high skill , it means nothing.

                                                                    Yes, ur MMR is higher, but guess what? Your Enemies are MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH better players everygame.

                                                                    They pick heroes that are good, they pick heroes with synergy, they pick heroes they are great with,

                                                                    So my point is, the game becomes A LOTTTTT HARDERRRRRRRR, You cannot simply win with basic shit that works in 2k-3k mmr

                                                                    you need to become 100x better, always look at mini map, get every last hit, get every kill you can, avoid being ganked, deal with noob ass people who over calibrated into vhs and dont belong there,

                                                                    I have accounts in very high skill and 3k-4k+

                                                                    But i play on my 2k solo account because it's more fun.

                                                                    once you go up in skill the game becomes more "TRY HARD" and less enjoyable, in my opinion.

                                                                    Yeah i can win, but with 100x more effort, sometimes i just wanna have fun in this game instead of worrying about the 3 op heroes on enemy team with players who have like 4k-5k mmr who will treat the unranked match like its Ti6


                                                                      This is how I got into VHS. Played High Skill game, raped them, got into VHS next one.

                                                                      Basically all you have to do is to play decent yourself, and that's it.

                                                                      After that it's up to you if you can survive long enough at VHS and calibrate at 4k+ MMR.

                                                                      It's not that hard if you're decent yourself. However, if you're 2k or below, there is no way you will do it. And even if you do, you'll lose calibration matches or berform them badly and therefore you'll get at best 3k.

                                                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                        Ask fyq to play on ur account :-)


                                                                          u reach 5k by playing like a 5k, ez.