General Discussion

General Discussion1-2k Team Recruiting

1-2k Team Recruiting in General Discussion
Unknown Entity

    So typically teams are like 3k+ but this is top of the line mmr. We are talking 1-2k gentlemen. Thats right, the best of the best. So if your party mmr is good enough reply with teh following format:
    Steam url:
    Party mmr:
    Solo mmr:
    Dota buff:
    Preferred Position:
    Top 3 Heroes for that Position:
    Comms (TS, Skype, English, etc):

    I tell you what

      I'll bite.. timing is right for me to get into this.

      Steam url:
      Party mmr: not calibrated
      Solo mmr: 1774
      Dota buff: (current is a new account)
      Preferred Position: Support
      Top 3 Heroes for that Position: WD, SD, Zeus
      Comms (TS, Skype, English, etc): None

      registered flex offender

        Steam url: Party mmr: idk
        Solo mmr: idk
        Dota buff: click my name
        Preferred Position: mid/safelane carry
        Top 3 Heroes for that Position: Ember morph pa
        Comms (TS, Skype, English, etc): Discord Skype

        Unknown Entity

          time to BUMP


            what are u going to do with this team then btw? casually play ranked/NMM, or join osme leagues?


              I wouldn't mind playing. Also what are you planning to do with the team?

              Steam url:
              Solo mmr: 975...
              Party mmr: not calibrated
              Preferred position: Support
              Top 3 heroes for that position: Rubick, Ogre Magi, Dazzle, Ancient Apparition, and Treant protector. (sorry i know that is more than three but i like all of them)
              Comms (TS, Skype, English, etc): Skype

              Well Played.

                Steam url:
                Party MMR: not yet calibrated
                Solo MMR: 1018
                Prederred Position: Mid / Jungler
                Top 3 heros for that position: (Mid)=Puck, Zeus or Viper....(Jungle)= lifestealer, Ursa or Lone Druid.
                Commes (TS, Skype, English, etc): English Skype

                Well Played.

                  I also prefer carry
                  Top 3 heroes for that position: (Carry) Phantom Assassin, Juggernaut or bloodseaker


                    Steam url:
                    Party MMR: 1440
                    Solo MMR: 771
                    Prefered Position: Mid
                    Top 3 heros for that position: Dazzle , Nyx , Jakiro

                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                      Steam url:
                      Party mmr: 1961
                      Solo mmr: 1347
                      Dota buff:
                      Preferred Position: carry
                      Top 3 Heroes for that Position: Juggernaut, Spectre, Phantom Assassin
                      Comms (TS, Skype, English, etc): anything


                        u take me ?

                        Unknown Entity

                          We will practice then we will join leagues once solidified.


                            I'm somewhat intrigued. What region though?

                            Steam url:
                            Party mmr: not-callibrated (9 games needed)
                            Solo mmr: 1,048
                            Dota buff:
                            Preferred Position: Offlane/Support
                            Top 3 Heroes for that Position: off: Phoenix, Dark Seer, Beast Master; support: Visage, Earth Spirit, Venomancer
                            Comms (TS, Skype, English, etc): don't use, but can get Skype if need be.


                              idk if i really have time to join leagues but i would definitely enjoy playing with you guys/ help you practice

                              Unknown Entity

                                North America, specifically US east


                                  Steam url:
                                  Party mmr:1060
                                  Solo mmr:1600
                                  Dota buff:
                                  Preferred Position:Carry or pos 5 support
                                  Top 3 Heroes for that Position:AM,Juggernaut,Ember;Rubick,WD,Oracle
                                  Comms (TS, Skype, English, etc):TS

                                  I tell you what

                                    Hey, any updates on this? When will you be entertaining potential candidates?

                                    World Eater


                                      solo : 2000
                                      Party : TBD

                                      Fill in
                                      Best heroes are Medusa, Treant Protector, and Undying

                                      Whatever comm.


                                        Steam url: you can check through dotabuff
                                        Party mmr: 2232
                                        Solo mmr: 1857
                                        Dota buff: ??? m8 pls
                                        Preferred Position: 1/2
                                        Top 3 Heroes for that Position: anything
                                        Comms (TS, Skype, English, etc): all good

                                        PSE.NSA, CHAT = YOU LOSE ...

                                          i would like to join yeah i was 1300 mmr but fucking russian feeders dropped me to 700 yeah im a good player m8 it would be a pleassure to work with you steam URL : please add me i really need a team ya know im tired of solo feeders i want to have a team not noobs yeah my best lane is mid i can play mid with allmost all heroes in dota i have 1005 matches and yeah thats all my skype : dascalu_dragos1 please help me

                                          silverback action

                                            Steam url:
                                            Party mmr: not calibrated
                                            Solo: 2220
                                            Dota Buff:
                                            Prefferd Position: 2/3 Mid or Utility (I can play hard carry but i prefer these two
                                            Top 3 heros: Storm, Shadow Feind, Invoker.

                                            silverback action

                                              also can play ember mid

                                              silverback action
                                                이 댓글은 삭제되었습니다.
                                                silverback action

                                                  Climbed from 1k to 2k so you know im better then these shitters

                                                  Farmer 諸葛

                                                    Steam url:
                                                    Party mmr: 2504
                                                    Solo: 3508 (Hey! My party mmr is 2k, just kinda lonely)
                                                    Dota Buff:
                                                    Prefferd Position: hard carry
                                                    Top 3 heros: ursa, jugg, wk


                                                      Steam url:
                                                      Party mmr: 2,074
                                                      Solo mmr: 2,450
                                                      Dota buff:
                                                      Preferred Position: Carry/ Mid
                                                      Top 3 Heroes for that Position: Ember, Spectre, and Phantom Assasin
                                                      Comms (TS, Skype, English, etc):

                                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                        Steam url:
                                                        Party mmr: 2,374
                                                        Solo mmr: 1,984
                                                        Dota buff:
                                                        Preferred Position: jungle
                                                        Top 3 Heroes for that Position: legion commander, mirana, nature's prophet
                                                        Comms (TS, Skype, English, etc): i don't use comms


                                                          Steam url:
                                                          Party mmr: 1474
                                                          Solo mmr: 1353
                                                          Dota buff:
                                                          Preferred Position: 1/2
                                                          Top 3 Heroes for that Position: Anti-Mage, Spectre, Shadow Fiend
                                                          Comms (TS, Skype, English, etc): TS

                                                          Holy Roman Empire

                                                            Wish you could play on EU.


                                                              We can make an eu team


                                                                Actually im EU player

                                                                  이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

                                                                    i want to play are you guys EU ?

                                                                    yung griphook

                                                                      take a drink everytime you see brown boots into battlefury rush

                                                                      Holy Roman Empire

                                                                        I made another thread for an EU Team


                                                                          Steam url:
                                                                          Party mmr: 946.. (I havent played many ranked party matches since I got calibrated in)
                                                                          Solo mmr: 1439 and rising
                                                                          Dota buff:
                                                                          Preferred Position: Position 1/2
                                                                          Top 3 Heroes for that Position: Juggernaut, Invoker, Anti-Mage or pretty much anything
                                                                          Comms (TS, Skype, English, etc): Skype/ Steam. English.


                                                                            Steam url:
                                                                            Party mmr: 1946
                                                                            Solo mmr: 1950
                                                                            Dota buff:
                                                                            Preferred Position: Position 1
                                                                            Top 3 Heroes for that Position: Jugg, Wraith King, Faceless, PA. Support: Shadow Shaman, ES, Lina.
                                                                            Comms (TS, Skype, English, etc): Skype, English also EST and very active

                                                                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                              Mid IO or feed


                                                                                i wouldnt mind playing as a team.
                                                                                steam url:
                                                                                party mmr: not calibrated
                                                                                solo mmr: 2.1k
                                                                                dota buff:
                                                                                preferred position: offlane or support
                                                                                Top 3 heroes for that Position: Vengeful Spirit, Faceless Void, Timbersaw
                                                                                Comms: teamspeak is all I have currently downloaded, can get other methods of course.

                                                                                i play carry as well but if i'm in a team environment id be more happy playing supports more often. I prefer supports like vengeful spirit and bounty hunter who can roam well in the early stages of the game and win lanes for their team.

                                                                                I queue on us servers. hit me up if youd be up for it. let the future legends be born lol

                                                                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                                  solo: 2400

                                                                                  party: 1700

                                                                                  Preferred position: mid

                                                                                  Top 3 heroes: OD, QoP, SF

                                                                                  steam url:

                                                                                  comms: skype, english, spanish, french.


                                                                                    Solo: 0
                                                                                    Party: 0
                                                                                    Preferred position: Support, Jungler
                                                                                    Top 30 heroes: Dazzle, Lich, Zeus, Injoker, Spectre, Medusa, Lion (not in order)
                                                                                    Steam URL:
                                                                                    Dotabuff URL: click my name
                                                                                    Comms: TS, English, Italian (know a few words)

                                                                                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                                      Steam url:
                                                                                      Party mmr: 1.7
                                                                                      Solo mmr: 1.7
                                                                                      Dota buff:
                                                                                      Preferred Position: Support , Utility
                                                                                      Top 3 Heroes for that Position: For Support ~> Witch Doctor , Dazzle , Jakiro
                                                                                      For Utility ~> Brewmaster
                                                                                      Comms (TS, Skype, English, etc): English preferred , can reach me through FB


                                                                                        party mmr not calibrated

                                                                                        solo not calibrated

                                                                                        position: support

                                                                                        Comms TS Skype english
                                                                                        I'm always on just friend me.

                                                                                        3 heros Lion Chen and CM

                                                                                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                                          Steam url:
                                                                                          Party mmr: 1800 (would be higher, i just don't care for party)
                                                                                          Solo mmr: 2716
                                                                                          Dota buff:
                                                                                          Preferred Position: 1 or 2
                                                                                          Top 3 Heroes for that Position: Meepo, Riki, Bloodcyka
                                                                                          Comms (TS, Skype, English, etc): Skype, English

                                                                                          Bad Intentions

                                                                                            Its quite interesting that u have a lot of responders here op!

                                                                                            Unknown Entity

                                                                                              Thanks for the responses. Need more candidates for support.

                                                                                                이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

                                                                                                  ^ Nice Kappa do you by any chance fail to comprehend the word 1-2k?


                                                                                                    ^ LOL xD


                                                                                                      Party mmr: 1.4k
                                                                                                      Solo mmr: 1.3k
                                                                                                      Preferred position: anywhere but mid.
                                                                                                      Top 3 heroes: Spectre, Abaddon, Shadow Shaman.
                                                                                                      Comms- I have a mic and headset. Skype is fine.

                                                                                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다