General Discussion

General DiscussionDoes SEA server really that bad?

Does SEA server really that bad? in General Discussion

    Got calibrated around 1.6 k...

    Kind of embarrassing as I expect to be 2k or something. ppl say no hope to raise my mmr (ESPECIALLY SEA SERVER) Sometimes when I play unranked it's more enjoyable ...

    I dunno man. I feel like just wanna play unranked but what's the point. I just play that to test new heroes I wanna learn... well, last option is to stop playing...but how can I?

    이 주제는 수정되었습니다

      no hope



        Pipit Flying High

          Just spam hero that you are really good. No point to counter pick if you cant play that hero. Always remember, playing our comfort hero give more advantage rather than try to counter pick. Yes SEA server are tough because too many flamers and lack of strategy.

          Bad Intentions

            Listen man, theres always hope to climb up. You just have to tryhard man and be patient. You only have 300 games played, so its a fairly young account, just keep on grinding man!


              no hope


                What do u want this mmr for ? For e-penis ? Get better at life not the game, u will never be a pro.


                  No hope.Speaking from SEA


                    who wants 3.6k mmr ?

                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                      stuck in 3k's sea hell

                      tl;dr : no hope

                      try europe


                        yeah ! but i make new account ! because im stack at 3.6k in SEA

                        lm ao

                          Pinoys are just so behind the world tbh talking to a Pinoy about current news and he mixes common opinion with his fucking medieval outlook of the world its just super cringey

                          An actual pinoy here




                              Nah man. pinoys are not behind with current events. Your just sitting in your high chair thinking you're better than everybody. I really hate people like you. What the fuck have accomplished? I'm a manager, a have a wife and a kid. I graduated with honors both in highschool and in college. I have my own house and a car. Do you see or hear me bash other people? I would agree there are SOME that maybe behind but man...what gives you the right to judge? Grow up kid. Instead of judging others stay in school and try to achieve something first. Okay? Now...fuck off!

                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                My tip: First you learn and focus on your game. I find that most of my 2k friends still have a hard time beating insane bots, maybe you should try doing that first. Do that for a 2-3 months (focusing on improving your game), then try out ranked again. I'm sure you'll notice a big change relative to the skill level of your team mates.

                                Don't grind mmr aimlessly.


                                  atm SEA server is cancer because of the compendium. Usually it's tryhard as fuck, but with the whole goals part, people are tryharding for their goals instead.

                                  ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                    Pls tell me how to get into SEA server, I posted a thread, got no real help.

                                    its not showing up on my list

                                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                      5k sea here. Last year I was 3.6k. Just play and improve yourself. Stop finding faults in others. If you stuck in the same mmr for quite some time that means the problem is you. Remember, you are the constant.


                                        calibrated at 9 mmr. now i am at 10 mmr and climbing. there's hope in SEA. in peenoise we trust