General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do you win when a teammate picks io?

How do you win when a teammate picks io? in General Discussion

    I've never won a game with an io on my team, i've never lost a game with an io on the opposing team.

    What's the deal with this "hero" (37% winrate) ?

    The only use I can think of is turning a bristleback into a superpowered bully in lane or fountain ganking a arc warden with a rapier.

    Aside from that anything it can do other heroes can do much better.


      it works well with certain heroes but the player playing it has to have some skill or at least many games on the hero to know how it works and to use it properly

      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다


          Still miss the oldschool tiny wisp combo always works if the wisp doesn't recolate the tiny to the fountain

          Dire Wolf

            you won't in pubs and definitely not in normal skill. the hero is hard and takes a lot of team coordination.


              pick a good hero to pair with him, communicate with mic

              Dire Wolf

                That's what I mean it's incredibly hard to communicate with a pub io. Maybe if you are in a group.


                  I like wisp in team. Good wisp can make sick save, ganks. Work well with BB, LC + duel combo, Tiny ofc, maybe spectre etc.