General Discussion

General Discussion4k players at sea is so noob

4k players at sea is so noob in General Discussion

    My VS game is where the slark player is above 4k and hes so noob i watch his player perspective at replay and he didnt even know that ring of protection is not goin to buy at side shop (sry for my bad english) But 4k is so shiet and slark is his most played hero

    Chuyên Chém Lén

      yesterday, I played a game in 4k rank, we already had 3 core heroes, then 2 other guys RANDOM and we had a without building X mark Kunkka & a nonstop-feeding lone druid, free mmr :))


        because 4k SE Asia= 2k Aus


          wow dude then play in sea then l0lz


            w0w sir swirl


              don't you realize it's you ruining the games of the SEA players? instead of complaining, learn to play and act with the team.