General Discussion

General DiscussionBest way to counter LC on Sea Server

Best way to counter LC on Sea Server in General Discussion
Mental illinois

    Under normal circumstances in Sea server, ya know 5 carries or 4 hard carries with 1 hard support. How can LC be countered?


      4 hard carries and 1 hard support? wtf? don't you mean 4 hard carries and 1 "support" building full carry and stealing last hits?

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        Pick LC yourself 4Head.




            pick bounty and follow her around


              ez, dont give her duel damage. u know?

              Miku Plays

                If u see Lc, pick ursa


                  if u see ursa, immediately abandon

                  Miku Plays

                    If u see Ursa pick veno

                    Chuyên Chém Lén

                      pick a strong triplane with nuke or disable skills, face to face with their heroes in offlane (2 heroes in lane, LC in jungle).
                      To do list: kill their heroes in lane; sometimes, 2 supporters roam jungle -> mid -> back to offlane


                        best way, use any hero that can swap LC or disrupt the duel. ez


                          dazzle is ofc a pain vs her, but since support heroes arent unlocked until 2k mmr, just get a carry with disable.



                            Get fast stout shield and iron talon with 1 point in life steal

                            If you get first rune you can have them both at first camp. If your team can play 5v4 without you, (carry tp scroll tho to help in fights) and you can avoid getting ganked, then you can use wk to create space for ur team in fights. He scales well and he has a life steal that could help the right teams.

                            Its pretty greedy tho .

                            So if your team falls behind it'll be hard to catch up I believe, unless you win some team fights / gank.

                            PS: I'm just saying what I would do if u picked wraith king , and other carries want to take your lane. At that point, i would pick support. (sike, fuck supporting)

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                            Livin' Real Good

                              if you see LC, pick Slark, just shadow dance and rape her the moment she blinks in with blade mail.
                              Then by time her blade mail's done, she will already be at half health with stats stolen and running from you, and if blade mail is still on cool down, then she probably won't try to duel you cause of being too hurt.

                              But that's just my experience, many people actually say TO PICK HER vs slark cause she provides lock down, honestly i'm not worried about her.

                              Besides, pick her, problem solved. O_O


                                Honestly many would disagree but I think morphling is good vs LC.

                                As morph u get linkens which blocks duels and forces enemy to pop ur linkens and even if he duels you , you use STR morph and u don't die ....

                                or you escape with replicate after duel..

                                You force legion to get bkb, which delays his deso/blink/blademail/AC/Moon shard/daedelus

                                And even if he buys bkb, u can wait for it to be on cd and nuke him to death.

                                And you progressively build eblade / manta / skadi etc depending on what you need and I don't think its easy for a legion to deal with you.

                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                  Making dmg items on LC WutFace


                                    Only Morphling can buy Linkens.


                                      Omni knight and abadon are very good vs LC.

                                      Tide hunter can be good if you can manage to reduce his damage and win some early team fights to take momentum of game.

                                      Alchemist is pretty good cuz u can regen in duels and if legion didn't activate blade mail he could lose duel. Esp if ur in acid spray during duel.

                                      Wraith king is good vs legion.

                                      Sven is amazing vs legion . Natural bkb carrier with tons of physical damage in duels with svens ult. And you give your whole team 20 armor with sven .

                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                        Doesn't LC Duel breaks e-blade? I mean, if u e-blade her, and she duels you, doesnt e-blade break like halberd?


                                          1) just pick OD;
                                          2) buy Linkens;
                                          3) hide dueled teammates in astral;
                                          4) profit.


                                            Morphling is hard to kill , combine that with the fact that he's a hero who builds linkens, it makes legions duels a lot less effective. cause of morlhlings ability to morph into strength.

                                            Morph will survive duel then use replicate to escape if he has to. Legion depends on duels. If you can make it difficult for her to win duels, its a good thing. Morph is hard to kill, and can kill legion with the right items if legion isn't shit stomping ur team


                                              Yeah OD is also good I agree.

                                              Miku Plays

                                                morphling easiest duel of my life, he cant morph under duel, that is if morph is retarded but no one react to sb lc


                                                  you probly battled against a noob morphling then

                                                  Chuyên Chém Lén

                                                    You guys forget that Linken's cost is 5125, if you'are free farm, you may get it at 16~18min, with a boot while LC, with Iron talon, can ez get a blink dagger (only 2250 gold) before 10mins. You guys think what LC should do when she already has dagger? let you keep free farmming & finnish your linken? lol, of course not, she will go with her mates, smoke and gank. Then, you may finnish your linken at 30min but she will be too strong at that moment.
                                                    So, saying that linken can counter LC duel is not totally true.
                                                    Should pick OD/shadow demon/omnik, their skills can cover mates while being dueled


                                                      Morph is hard to kill even before linkens .


                                                        counter with omni, stay invis, use guardian angel. ez win