Cyka xaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxxaxaxaxaxaxaxa
Actually we can do nothing but deal with it
or make 5 stacks. 5 stacks are nice.
Maybe pick visage
If you dont have any good friends playing dota, pray that gaben will give you good teammates or switch into LoL
LoL also gives you shitty teammates too.
it's just the entire MOBA community is toxic now except for the really new ones that barely have any players.
You can't just leave, and have fun trying to get the 4/5 vote for surrender if you're team is winning but your team is just being fucking toxic and annoying and you want to leave anyways.
you only play 400games yet, why cries? matchmaking is like a gamble. just pray. got noobs then let it be
This is what I do. I mute the flamers and thrower. Most of the throwers are attention seekers and will tone down if ignored. Then I would try my best on my role, doing anything I can to help the team win. I do this because I main in support role.
@bizm this is a smurf i play dota when it has a beta key and Dragonclaw Hook was a Mythical not worth than a $100. So yeah, i've wasted so much time for this game as a kid. lmao
@Blue Jeans I mute all my teammates every game it's just don't work the problem is how the other players play the game, Earth Spirit is a strong all around hero that ganks a lot i have problem with players who can't think critically in that kind of situation, can't even pop BKB at the middle of the clash like it's a Passive Item or something.
Meepo was one of the famous hero to be spammed in 4k up which will give you a big boost when you can play him well with the ridiculous burst damage of 1000 and respawn time is decrease every level of the ulti when it was i think 6.84 or .83, but since almost everyone was complainin about how "OP" this hero ability was well i think it's not because you can even counter him with just an Earthshaker other people cries that he needs to be nerf'd nerf'd nerf'd, All heroes got nerf'd every patch expect Spectre, OD and other heroes that is popular in this meta will change due to it's imbalance abilities. I'm confuse i just don't know if i'm having trouble with heroes or players? Some players in SEA are good not pertaining to everyone some sucks sometimes because some are buying accounts for High MMR's which is not fair for other players such skills, It's like they're showing off their MMR for fame but when they play the game other players in the lower bracket MMR are even better. You can never determine who are the one who bought the account and who didn't. I'd love to go to EU server or US East/West server but still our country's internet connection isn't fast enough.
carry your team instead of waiting for them to carry u. learn to play 1v9. this works for any server and mostly in SEA. in your last 15 matches u average 7.7 deaths. die less, win often. look at yourself before blaming yourself or the server
Play enigma today and it took freaking 53 minutes to end the game even the enemy puck feed 20 times by some reason that I don't want to listen and I don't want to even heard of it (All of them are Indo and Pinoy and they are swearing at each other so much that I had to mute them off.)
lol I have jusy played with a wr solo offlane who finally saif she was support after 20mins game(not my account). I had disruptor and we had a cm feeder. dk mid and ck top with us.SEA is the most suprising server. even 4k mmr you still have the same stupid games than u can get in 2k game.
Meta picking seems to be working out well.........
I want to play in the Sea server but it's not appearing on my list(((((((((((((((((((((
oh my fucking god ^ , are you actually TRYING to lose with riki? Wait forget trying, I would say you're pretty good at it
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