General Discussion

General DiscussionHow often do you met someone who are so prideful and play so poorly t...

How often do you met someone who are so prideful and play so poorly to the point that their team told you to report him/her? in General Discussion

    "Pride is a deadly sin."

    - Superman


      Met a shitstain yesterday who was running his mouth and told us to gave him mid where he picked drow and said ez game fed like 0-4 5 mins mark against a sf. Keep quiet the entire game afterwards while my team flamed and reported him hard. Drow pickers amirit it?


        "I fcked your wife."

        - Badman


          Met a big mouth today who start insulting at my team non-stop as Sand King just because he got Triple Kill using his ultimate but once I got my hand on Aghanim's Scepter, I and my team picked him off with me dealing a final blow to him by my ultimate when he have maybe like 35% HP left and he remain quiet for the rest of the game as he is bombarded by the other 9 players in the same game as him.

          Pudge (SK's team): Noob SK
          Outworld Devourer (My team): Paper EZ
          Phantom Assassin (SK's team): Report this prideful pinoy, I'm sick of this bastard.


            @Dream you're right drow pickers are the worst


              What is the face called? The one that someone here insert it spinning around that russian contradiction pictures?


                It's Kappa, dude.

                Pudge buff? pog?

                  yeah but i don't know if some of you are playing in SEA. you have a lot of guys flaming like that. going all game to gank themselves. early game it's working so they don't give a d**** about the team,then when they kill them they come like holy fuck where is my team. or you have super friends playing together and trying a stupid combo seen in some match. I would say SEA is one of the worse. especially with dudes randoming as last pick . perfect world and SEA, are so toxic places.


                    I had a guy who said he was actually 6k MMR but he was only in the 1k bracket because his teammates makes him lose....... He actually wasn't memeing..... Unsurprisingly he was terrible

                    I also had a guy who had 7 mmr (those were dark days) pick Riki and then walk to and stand under the enemy tier 2 tower (while their tier 1 was up) and flamed the team when he died


                      every single game. u might have been in 1 of my games.

                      waku waku

                        lol people telling other people to report someone just for playing poorly (supposedly) happens ALL The time


                          they need a scapegoat