General Discussion

General DiscussionIs it worth to support in 2k hell

Is it worth to support in 2k hell in General Discussion

    Hi, i am new guy in dota2. I am playing more than month and i ended in 2k + MMR. Do you think it is worth to play support role in this tier ? When i played support, carry very often was not able kill creeps. Game ended with loss, because we were not able to face opponent with trash carry items with not enough damage.
    I like to play support, but only with decent team mates what knows what to do. Playing games in this tier seems to be like a lotery. You never know who you will get.
    I am very sad if i get 3 times in row noob mid player who ruin the whole game...

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      Yes it is, check SirActionSlacks guide how to escape mmr hell


        Can u link this?


          I played Witch Doctor to get out of 3k trench, good hero, with some good positioning and a little greed, YOU can be the change in the teamfight deciding who wins or lose the game. Even when buying wards!

          Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

            I was calibrated at 1k2, i played support up to 5k, so, yes



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                  pick omni every game homnestly you will get 4.5k i get retards like this once in a wahile with 2000 omni games


                    yes if u spam a support hero u can change the game with

                    Swap Commends

                      U need to play agro supports like venom/wd/jakrio or
                      Play bh/tuskar support

                      Jacques Lacan

                        my friend spammed sven/any hard carry, got farm and proceeded to fight 1v5 and win (because that's how bad his opponents were). Because of all the general ignorance of the game at the shit tier 5 cores can sometimes work and teamfight you guys to victory but I highly recommend against it



                          if you learn how to support morons you will have no problem playing with people who actually know what they're doing


                            if u are really a good support, u will win regardless. maybe u suck at supporting and bringing down the team with u. play with bots first.


                              ^u wot m8

                              gl winning with 4 idiots as io


                                Biggest problem for me is to win games when mid guy fail so hard. Snowball is started and i can´t change it with support, because i am also owned.
                                Question is, if it is better to play hard carry or mid ganker than support.

                                What do you think ?


                                  u have to understand that not all games can be won. it's better to play a hero that can play all positions like magic johnson etc


                                    Yep you just need to swallow your pride...

                                    You can get lots of farm from kills and unfarmed lanes anyway.

                                    Just don't try to be some brown boots ward bitch.