General Discussion

General DiscussionTips on solo support against dual - cancer - offlane?

Tips on solo support against dual - cancer - offlane? in General Discussion

    I play supports mostly on ranked, and I notice people starts giving dual - offlane cancer these days to destroy your safelane carry (spectre usually). Undying - lich, abaddon - necrophos, slardar - enchantress, etc.
    The question is, what solo support hero u guys usually picks, what do u guys do, what starting items u guys buy to "harass" enemy offlaner? 2 sets of tango? sticks? or do you guys even harass at all?
    Any kind of insight will be appreciated !


      i prefer 2 sets of tangos over 1 tango + 1 salve. 2 will go to mid, if ur radiant u use 1 to cut a tree to pull through, and then u've still got 5 for trading hits, which i'd choose over 1 tango and 1 salve.

      dont start with stick cos its a side shop item. exceptions would be when you're against bristle or batrider. unless u mean branches, i tend to not get branches, i prefer mango or faerie fire if I can afford them, or a clarity. all of them are more valuable than +1 to all stats imo.

      im terrible at support though so don't take everything i say as fact

      Chuyên Chém Lén

        venom is good in offlane. Play pushing style by building max ward + poison sting first, 1 point in 1st skill, what you have to do is hiding in fog, spam wards to get more sight, farm, & harrass them (dont spam ward lv 1, its hp is very low-75hp but cost 15 gold each, you can enrich enemies).
        starting items is 1 set tango, 1 clarity, few branches, 1 observe ward to prevent ganking or luring jungle creeps, 1 ring protection (up to ring bacilius for spamming) => total 550 gold
        Build Arcane boots -> mekan -> Guard greaves, pipe, + some boosting hp items if you play tanker/healer role and want to keep putting pressure in lane
        Build Veil blink/force/lothar if you want to go around & fight right in early game
        Build Veil, dagon 5, Ethereal Blade if you like YOLO style

        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

          play phantom assassin, buy courier and wards and max blur. wards cant detect u. ez gg wp

          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

            2 set tangoes, gift 2 to mid and keep 6 for harass; you got a point. oh so you actually prefer consumable (mangoes / clarity) over some branch though? that's new for me, I might try that later thx

            @ Road to 1 MMR , bukake
            I'm asking for a support safelane babysitter hero choices against cancer offlaner, not some offlaner or roamer, but thank you I guess..


              babysitter? get pudge or sniper then to babysit pos 1 carry. hook or snipe any cancer offlaner that gets too comfortable.

              Mr. Furryhentai

                mods pls ban him


                  u must be like the cancer players who whines and reports the smallest things. sad childhood perhaps?

                  Mr. Furryhentai

                    nice 45% winrate u have there m8


                      jealous? nice smurf too mate!

                      Mr. Furryhentai

                        atleast it has winrate above 50% and is vhs


                          yeah true. now sell it for gold. lol

                          Chuyên Chém Lén

                            @J2: so, i guess Lich is suitable in this case, you can get Sacrifice at level 1 & 4(use it whenever it already cooldown, it help you to pull your creeps back near your tower, easier for farmming, more difficult to be ganked, decrease enemies' EXP + gold), get Ice armor at level 2 (reduce enemies' damage & slow them), 1 point to frost blast at level 3 (for harrasment). Level 5, you can choose between Ice armor & Sacrifice (If enemies play pushing or too much harrassment, get Ice armor; if you want to reduce their Exp & farmming rate, get Sacrifice)

                            Starting item: 1 branch, 1 ring of regen (up Headdress for aura regen hp to stay in lane longer, then up Mekan later), 1 courier, 1 observe ward => total cost: 575 gold

                            acc buyers in my team

                              help mid or offlane. Sometimes you can't win against enemy offlane, so go to a lane that you can win instead.

                              Simple as fuck.