General Discussion

General Discussionwhat problems do you get when u are playing in sea servers.

what problems do you get when u are playing in sea servers. in General Discussion
Freddie Mercury

    i hate to write this. But this is why Im trying to tell ya bout. Ive been playing dota2 in many region. The only region I got problems a lot is being in Sea or asia or whatever. Since many of the sea players cant corporate with. And it is hard to deal with the teammates. Im not telling that others region are better, but in this case the Sea players cant work togethr and trash talking everytimes. Well Im not hoping to every players to speak or talk nicely but the words chat make people even even deal with. You can feel that right.Thats why sea region doesnt hv a player with 8k mmr right now. Poor. Thats all. In the end I just want to see a better improvement in this region. Hopefully.

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      Chuyên Chém Lén

        lots of players act like kid, they dead 2-3 times, then afk or throw, end with trash talk receiving reported.
        almost players want to play carrier, so its not strange if you have a 5-carrier team (maybe AM, spectre, PA, jug, traxex, lol).
        So overconfident. We usually meet 1 guy that want to take mid so badly but his lane controlling skill is terrible, pick invoker for example, then become an Injoker & give us a hard game. The worst is he wont admit his fault, blame all his teammates, & trash talk with others. :facepalm:
        Many players still have no idea what he should do or buy in game. We often have a nonstop feeding carrier or a ks supporter. some games they even dont use a single obs ward =_=


          hate to say this, but, git gud, srsly.

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            I get trash teammates occasionally.
            There's at least one guy dying a lot more than he should be in 95% of my games lately. Enemy and allied teams.