General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do I change minimap style?

How do I change minimap style? in General Discussion

    I mean, I've been watching some games, so I noticed some players use to have a different minimap style from mine, much like this:

    Is there some way I can use these same settings?

    caviar enjoyer

      just put this in your autoexec.cfg

      dota_minimap_show_hero_icon "1"
      dota_minimap_hide_backgro und "1"


        options on the upper left corner of your dota 2 screen. select "alt" always on and show hero icons when pressing alt. try experimenting around, it works.


          u can only edit what the icons look in settings, and the location of minimap on the screen, but not its style. in order to do it, u need to insert what 0303 suggested (more precisely, the 2nd command) in console/autoexec file.

          when i last checked, it was not a part of settings. actually, it might have been changed since then.

          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

            Switch your current autoexec file into the new directory:
            Steam\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\game\dota\cfg
            Then open up console and the command to activate it is:
            exec autoexec.cfg
            bind "F8" "exec autoexec.cfg"
            dota_cheap_water 1
            cl_globallight_shadow_mode 0
            r_deferred_height_fog 0
            r_deferred_simple_light 1
            r_screenspace_aa 0
            mat_vsync 0 // Need to delete mat_vsync "1" line

            type all that and you're good to go


              Yeah, there is an option to hide background on Dota settings, however, it turns into a totally black map. It's not about the hero icons, but about the map style. Like this:


                Ps: Both of the images were took from somewhere in the Internetlands, not my configs.


                  Oh, I found out how to change it. It's actually a Mod. Probably I can't post the link here.