General Discussion

General DiscussionNyx nyx nyx -NYX

Nyx nyx nyx -NYX in General Discussion
Teamwork is the key

    I started to play recently with him because I like to roam and see 0/10 on enemy heroes. Advices for build and even tactic for playing him? (can't go youtube because I'm in China so don't post youtube videos pls)

    lm ao

      Wooo a Chinese man!

      Ni Hao! :) ^_^ :P


        Arcanes then dagon blink aghs dagon 5 eblade

        Teamwork is the key

          Actually I am italian and studying here(the internet game center are awesome)..btw I kind of figure out the build. Mango (for additional regeneration) tango 2gg branches and that shit +2 stats and 1 ward. Get magic wand and then boots. Arcane>urn>dagon >aghanim (if needed for team fight) or blink/force staff than it is situational
          Some tips for playing him better like r while tp and stuff like that?

          Teamwork is the key

   build usually should look like this

            Teamwork is the key

              Do you think that tp the bot lane for a first blood is okay? Like in this chase a tp and with ss and spectre had the first blood on nec


                Dagon eblade best build

                U are all dogshit

                  This guy is a good pick many times because of all the invokers and ods floating around Imo.


                    he is very good against od, with aghanims too


                      if you are going for smthng else than aether lens and aghs these days, u r very weird.

                      if you are looking for ancient builds, those are dagon rush (u get kills but lose game), and blink-eul-force one.