Mine is
I played omniknight and they are party of 4 owning us hard. They were delaying the game while they can finish it quick. CK abandoned. I ask for finish quickly but SB replied "why should we end your misery." Or something like that.
Then somehow SB dropped his rapier and PA got it. We pushed with Dazzle and me with us imagine PA with rapier we won with only pushing mid end score 25-64. Yes we only had 25 kills.
Megacreeps. Gyro buys Rapier and goes 1v5. Rapier hits the ground. We push mid. Gyro buys back and TP with Travels to our base with Invoker and Ember. They are about to destroy our throne, I press my ult. Our throne lives, we finish their throne. GG. EZ.
2 opponents have beyond godlike , Axe and BS, my supps don't buy freakin wards. I said to myself whatever I don't care anymore....that's by abouy 15th min mark btw but we won. The two guys who had beyond godlike started trash talk and I am being really motivated.
3 radiances on the same team. No MKB against a PA (let alone one with butterfly). Must be SEA dota.
Lost barracks 25-30 min in, lost tier 4 towers 10 min later. (Had not taken any teir 2 towers at this point). 20 min later we win. It was great. Assuming I remember the details of course.
but for a comeback of my own
they could've taken it easily, but they decided to fuck aruond so me and ember tp'd top and ratted their ancient
i remember this game because i was forced to abandon after i babysitted my team and we were hyped and turned it around
thanks obama
"3 radiances on the same team. No MKB against a PA (let alone one with butterfly). Must be SEA dota."
That's what I was gonna say, that's more like a throw than a comeback. And zero bkbs either side, good thing you were omni or that pa would've just melted every fight. and deso on ck... damn... lol
Team flaming hardcore because I chose to farm instead of gank in lanes. All lanes are getting destoryed except mid where I'm pretty much free farming. Asked them to shut it in the end and commend me when I take rax. I got 4 commends after that match :)
First of all, I just wanna mention I opened this thread earlier because I had comebacks against 2 beyond godlike from enemy team earlier this day, so tired emotionally and couldnt continue play ranked afterwards plus their trash talk. You just couldnt imagine man the roller coaster sht. So I let it all out here. Well, who doesnt love to hear one event in the game where the game turned?
I gotta go get some mmr on sea, carry abbadon, no mkb weaver (double maelstrom wtf?), blade mail, no linkens or bkb.
If Alche didn't refuse to give me Aghs earlier, we would have won long time ago. This way had to def vs megas with fucking Ursa.
we lost all t3 towers, top rax. mele rax on middle. Dire had 28k advantage.
Fighting mega creeps and enemy with only tier 1 towers down....god's strength it is...with a team of big talkers and nonsense gaming...
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We all have these kind of games, like you don't see any hope in winning and being behind so far but win, or you rat to their base while you clearly lose the game.
Those games I think you will remember for quite a while.
Why not share here with the link?