General Discussion

General DiscussionIs there any 5k~ player willing to look at my games and coach me. A f...

Is there any 5k~ player willing to look at my games and coach me. A few games would do in General Discussion

    Looking for someone to coach me


      I watched your stats, in recent games and overall avg seems to be fine. Dude u have 55% win rate, i think if u keep on playing, your mmr should raise rather quickly. I think only thing u can improve on is getting less caught off.
      Your builds aren't all complete garbage either, although I would only upgrade a shadow blade into a silver edge against PA and bristle

      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

        ^ It doesnt work that way. Someone should watch his games to point out mistakes he make. My frien who is 2k can play only Lich and zeus has 56% Wr.


          @inx4c I have 55% wr because I sucked balls early in the recent times I'm pretty sure I have around 60% wr.. As Lex said I would like someone to look at my games and point out my mistakes.. And what do you mean my skill builds "aren't complete garbage" ? I pretty much follow the meta..


            i didnt say anything about skill builds, i just didnt like the silver edge u had on wr last game :D
            over last 30 days u have 65% win rate which is great dude, imo u could just keep on playing until u have like 50% win rate and then find out why u are stuck, rn u are winning a lot more than losing

            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

              It was a last ditch effort to somehow do something about the Spectre :D
              Waiting till i drop to 50% seems to be a good idea.. Thanks!


                But I think I can still improve my game, that is why I wanna get some advice.. Its not just about my MMR, I play local matches at my college level and I would like to be a better player overall


                  keep playing


                    requesting blunt 4head


                      I heard there are people who do this as a job, why has no one come forward or even suggest someone?!


                        they do it for dolores tho


                          keep playing until you hit your peak. most of the knowledge comes from personal experience and noone can teach you that
                          and it's rather difficult to point out your mistakes when you're winning


                            The only way to really see your mistakes is to play vs better players than yourself. We can show you all the mistakes you made, but you probably wont understand half of it. It just takes a lot of practice and surely a lot more games, just play a lot and when you hit a wall - then you should ask the same question again :)

                            Maybe try to stack with some high mmr people sometime, you can learn a lot that way.

                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                              SEA, sorry can't help you


                                guys im a little confused about the stats .. kratos or thread starters he got better stats than me but why am in harder bracket?? because i was thinking to impove my kda but its hard..


                                  If you want to gift me one month of dotabuff plus (6$) I will review and give you written notes for 6 games of your choice and do my best to answer any questions you have for 30 days via steam message. I feel that trying to teach someone while they are playing simply distracts them and makes them play worse so instead of 'coaching' you for a game we can go over 1 replay together via skype (It could be a game of mine where we examine my player perspective, that of a professional player, one of your games, or even some game of a player with a high dotabuff hero score). The deal is negotiable though I believe it to be fair. My mmr is 5012.


                                    @4head I will do it..just not now..I have my exams going on.. Maybe after a week or two..
                                    @Benao.Lifedancer Is SEA that bad? Should I change servers? Are the other ones any better though?


                                      And if anyone of higher MMR is willing to party and play a few games I'd really be glad :)


                                        normal skill bracket has nothing much to comment on.

                                        if u want to get into high or very high, learn map awareness, last hit and deny (lane efficiency).