General Discussion

General DiscussionTechies

Techies in General Discussion

    I think 260 dmg is not enough.

    I believe it was 525 dmg landmine? I was playing dota 1 before migrated to dota 2. I'm so unhappy with that. Techies is(are?) my fav hero. Nowadays, it's so hard to get 1st blood man


      mines' cd was cut twice, as well as its dmg, so basically the amount of dmg the mines you put in a certain period of time remained constant.

      i think the manacost was cut twice as well.

      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

        Just play below 1k. People won't realize they are dying to techies bombs and will just complain that the game is glitching. Simpler times.


          Here's the little things that bug me a little bit. When you have 2 mines its enough to earn gold from creep waves.

          Stacking double amount of landmines are really bad. It's hard to earn gold from creeps anymore.

          Think about it techies haters. We almost always have some laughs if somebody died because of him. People who despise this hero almost usually never play techies and die from bombs.


            fuck techies


              It was changed so you can still kinda do the lv 1 shit but you can't take out over half of the carry's HP with a single landmine. Fuck techies tho, even tho he's bad he still managed to lose me a game this patch