General Discussion

General DiscussionHidden MMR?

Hidden MMR? in General Discussion

    How does it work, what do i need to do to get it higher and for how long?

    (my party mmr is almost always at vhs no matter who i queue with for some reason but i hardly move in solo no matter what i do :?)

    이 주제는 수정되었습니다

      same as "normal" mmr, excecpt that its a little bit more sensitive relative to your performance in the calibration (and no, idk how long the calibration period in NMM lasts)

      play well and win matches to improve it.

      Meat Spinner

        As far my guess is ! Hero damage only ! Try it


          Alright thanks for the info.

          Meat Spinner

            Try to get 35k+ HD consecutively on 2 matches , u'll be in VHS ! Trust me :-)


              Alright, pick zeus or tinker! Got it! xD Thanks alot for the help again!

              Meat Spinner

                And if uve kills too with hero damage then its bonus man :-)

                Charwin + +

                  can i calibrate on high mmr if my tbd is always below 20mins. look at my recent
                  whem im playing with my friends with 2k/3k mmr im in normal bracket
                  but when i play alone im in vhs bracket pls tell me how much mmr can i get
                  sry for my bad english.


                    The hero damage spamming got fixed. Although you can still calibrate higher with high hero damage, it's not nearly as effective as it used to be.

                    I'm pretty sure the hero damage stats are averaged out on a time and hero basis. Like taking the average hero damage of zeus at 30 mins and comparing it to how you did in your 30 min zeus match to see how good or bad you did.