Normally you max powershot first, unless you're in lane with someone where lockdown might be useful.
aghs is absolute core. If you're mid get bottle, otherwise just get a basilus. Get null talisman instead of wraith band at the start.
mkb vs deadelus vs deso is preference. mkb is very good vs heroes, deso for pushing (also good if you already have -armor on your team).
I usually Rush Aghs, skipping maelstrom. I don't get blink in my builds, and only have a 52 percent win rate, but, cutting maelstrom early definitely helped the kill potential.
Ok i try to max powershot first, and buy null talisman. But im not sure what to buy first Aghanim or Maelstorm.
I use to win games with windranger.. when i played her as utility..
Now that i try her as a mid/core doesnt matter how well i do i cant win.
so my advice is try her out as a utility offlaner or mid first if u dont like it go try dps.
I play core WR, and finally found my own comfortable build.
Bottle -> Phase Boots -> Aganim -> Blink Dagger (BKB in some cases) -> MKB|Daedalus (depending on what you need the most)
null (bottle) phase ags blink crits. max power shot then shackle.
each point in shackle is .75 secs longer stun, so you can get 2 points before 6 if the longer disable is needed.
Or get good att solo mid learn to push prior to Rune learn to ago pull etc.
Or pick the current FOTM trasa hero i suppose its DP and Invoker with some more.
start with null and/or bottle then phase boots. get aghs next if youre snowballing, otherwise blink for positioning or maelstrom if you're lagging behind. any item afterwards are situational e.g. deso, bkb, mkb, daedelus, etc.
as for skills, powershot is the priority then 1st or 3rd skill depending on the enemy heroes
70% winrate over 20 games at high 2k/ low 3k (although I haven't played her in a while)
(80%+ if you don't count my 'i'm new' games®ion=&faction=&duration=&enjoyment=any&timezone=Europe%2FLondon)
go mid, start with a null talisman and tangos, or 2x farie fire and pooled tangos, focus on farming up bottle before you focus on harassing, only use powershot if you can get 2+ last hits, or + last hit and damage on the enemy mid pre-bottle, after bottle spam that shit out, just make sure to keep enough mana for ult+shackle, it can save your life or net you kills.
use powershot to push lane, keep windrun off CD for tower diving/escaping or suddenly winning an unwinnable right click war that would otherwise be a close death or a trade.
Skill Build E>W>W>Q>W>R>W then max Q then E, ult whenever possible.
Phase boots into aghs into blink 90% of the time is my personal favorite build, sometimes blink first in a game where you're ahead vs squishy heroes, but you want all three of these items.
after this there's 5 main core items to choose between.
Deso, Daedalus, Skadi, Hex and MKB
Deso is good for pushing, but you need to get it early or if it has synergy with your team (venge slardar etc.)
Daedalus is pure dmg, since wind can just ignore half of the DPS equation with her ult, this is a very solid item to melt heroes.
Skadi is for a more sustained fighting build or vs heroes who don't like being kited, rare i'd pick this up first but sometimes the bulk is amazing.
Hex is a surprisingly solid item, +35 damage on a hero like wind is no joke, solves all of your mana issues and sets you up to blink > hex > shackle multiple people.
MKB is a lower damage version of Daedalus, but the ministun is good vs channeling spells (basically guaranteed stun within 1s of ult firing) and if the enemy buy evasion or have a hero with built in evasion it can become very useful.
basically land cool shackles and click R on people.
Blink=team fight to get 2 hero shakel-> a fast dagger wins a game
Agha=kiling sub before fight or rosh
Staff=escaping(u wont die, but ur not strong), it usally dosnt help as much as a dagger to get kills and u wont be the game winning core
Aghs into Daedalus.
Start with Point Booster and Ogre Club.
Get Phase+Basilius+Null before that.
4 4 1 2 build with Powershot maxed first.
Windrun at lvl 1 usually.
In moust of my games are Normal Skill but in few i got nothing and i play more then Normal Skill i think? Cann someone explain!
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I'm not particularly good at her. So I was kinda looking for tips on how to play her.
I'm open for tips and such.
Here's my dotabuff if someone wants to peek at it: