General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy is it always the worst players who trash talks the hardest?

Why is it always the worst players who trash talks the hardest? in General Discussion

    So my friend played this match -

    Since he's on a tilting spree (3-11 in the past 14 matches), he lost this one as well. Then halfway through the radiant team start bragging and trash talking about winning in a pub like it's the first time they've ever had sex or something.

    Necrophos: you might have been like wtf necro
    Necrophos: im actually investing in your networth
    Invoker: are u throwing for some gay reason
    Necrophos: idk could be
    Necrophos: hey do you guys have any challenges you need help with
    Necrophos: like
    Necrophos: want me to place wards?
    Necrophos: oh wait
    Naga Siren: challenges only count if u win...
    Necrophos: yeah sorry i dont think you'll win
    Weaver: quests are for winners
    Invoker: do u have any
    Lion: yeah but its done
    Invoker: u have alrdy got the award for being a lil bitch
    Lion: 'Assfuck five nerds before 30 mins'
    Lion: compleded
    Invoker: lol nerds
    Vengeful Spirit: now now be civil
    Lion: HAHA LOL
    Lion:  stop rite ther u jus got fukn rekT
    Invoker: 'try super hard in unranked' ticked
    Oracle: invoker
    Ursa: submit your losses to #Rekt on twitter
    Oracle: idk what this hero does
    Invoker: ive played internaitonal games with less tryhards
    The Radiant have won the match
    Lion: you're playing invoker
    Vengeful Spirit: gg
    Weaver: ur invoker
    Weaver: plz talk about tryhard
    Ursa: invoker says what
    Lion: you're the biggest tryhard of all time
    Invoker: invoker is my fav hero
    Lion: lucky yo
    Invoker: Whats ur excuse?
    Invoker: Cant do it in ranked
    Lion: lucky you're shit
    Invoker: ?
    Lion: at him
    Invoker: thankl god
    Necrophos: you picked a hero with 27 skills
    Lion: you're honestly
    Necrophos: and cast like 2 all game
    Invoker: or u retards might not of been able to try hard so much
    Lion: the worst invoker I've seen this patch
    Weaver disconnected
    Oracle: this hero has like 30% winrate

    Now you might notice that the Lion was trash talking the hardest even though he had the least impact in the game, lowest kills and kill participation, highest deaths on his team, least tower damage etc.

    My question to you is, how does this player who just got completely carried think he can say my friend was "honestly the worst invoker I've seen this patch" when not 2 months ago he fed 4-16-18 and lost as Invoker a 63 minute match - Is he just not counting himself among the worst invokers he has ever seen or what? What is it about being the worst player on a team which makes some people want to act like a dick?


      tldr; high skill


        @MVP Salza hey man can you visit my games i got vhs now im confuse what is mt mmr after calibrating if i maintain vhs ?


          @Murra Just Muted and Play i do it many times

          Bad Intentions

            This happened in AU server?! I thought AU is the most gentleman server :O



              If you keep playing Spectre and getting good stats, it can be anywhere between 3.7-4.5 basically. I'm guessing you'd get 3.8k based off your current account.

              lm ao

                talk shit get hit fcker

                Jamie Lorman

                  "if you don't like trash talk, stop losing" ~ swindlemelonz.