General Discussion

General Discussionwin Streak followed by Bad Losing Streaks

win Streak followed by Bad Losing Streaks in General Discussion

    Does this happen to you all the time?when you have a good day, like playing 6 games and won all of them, it just means that losing streak are up next....vice versa...losses followed by wins..

    When I was playing on the losing streak I saw the level of my opponets there are a guy at least 20 levels higher than me, my team is full of shit stain players that took my farm and they played as carry. This game is so fucking retarded guys....


      A long on going debate. There may be lots of evidence but no full proof. I feel it sometimes but you got to just keep playing

      Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

        just stop playing when you get a 5 or more losing streak. Check the profiles. Manytimes it's valv'es forced 50%, cuz when I did check years back I was being put in with 48% winrate and smurfs.


          sit back, relax and enjoy the show


            Matchmaking throws you the worst players available in that skill/MMR bracket when you win alot consistently.

            Like "If you're so good then carry these idiots to victory" and then u lose :"didn't think so kid, git gud"

            You have to become so good that u can carry 4 people.


              "Matchmaking throws you the worst players available in that skill/MMR bracket when you win alot consistently."

              No, it doesnt. MMR doesnt care if you won 11 games in a row or you lost 11 games in a row.
              Algorythm just tries to find 10 players of pretty much identical mmr playing on same server with same language picked, thats it. If you won 11 in a row doesnt mean you will lose 11 games huge lose streak is incoming.

              We Love You Akuzuma Oppa!

                Also get a losing streak unless I spam my best heroes just to break the streak. Feel like Valve throw you the must retarded players. And when that happens I go tilt so hard...


                  forced 50


                    I disagree Coroner. The skill/knowledge gap between players within the same MMR range +-100 is daunting at least around my level. Like you can get competent teammates and pants-on-head retards who lose mid as Viper against Tiny and blame the loss on the solo offlaner who died once. Safelane lastpicks Wraith King against Invoker, Antimage and Phantom Lancer and say "noob team" when he's feeding.


                      Trueshit right here guys. #Fck mmr system.

                      Dire Wolf

                        no it's not, it just feels that way cus people don't take every game serious, pick the right heroes, have bad games etc etc. tiny mistakes early can lead to a very lopsided loss that makes people look awful or look really good. The system isn't biased, it's just numbers.

                        Big win streaks are usually followed by losing ones cus you didn't actually get better. Most players improve a lot as they learn they game, then they plateau. So if you are playing like 200 pts higher than your normal mmr the games are ever so slightly harder.


                          my strategy after i get the win streak is, playing pub straight away and lose on purpose untill the loss streak is gone

                          House Cat

                            It's true :D It happens to me. Just don't play your favorite heroes during that losing streak to limit your anger and sadness

                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                              If u check my profile u will see i am on quite the winning streak.
                              I have noticed a pattern that i get teamed up with about 150-200 MMR higher players when i am on 5 game win streak. When i loose that 6th game i go on a loosing streak. this time aound i managed to win

                              this is my profile
                              this is the game where AVERAGE MMR was 150-200 higher then my MMR at that moment:

                              I truly think u get kinda 'tested' if it was just luck or if u actually stepped up your game. Now my MMR is the same as the dispelled average MMR (4900)


                                Wtf All Hail Satan nickname?