General Discussion

General DiscussionHidden MMR vs MMR

Hidden MMR vs MMR in General Discussion

    Why sometimes are there a big difference between hidden mmr and your real mmr? I don't find any good explanation.

    EZ MID 9k mmr

      because valve doesnt want you to continue on abusing the system and places you where it thinks you belong?


        Hidden mmr is ur mmr before it gets calibrated and appear as "ranked mmr "

        hidden mmr still persists and its from Normal games

        lets say ur hidden mmr is 3k and u get to the level ready to play 10 calibrate games for solo mmr.

        u start at ur hidden mmr (3k) and u have 10 games to improve it by +200-300 max etc.

        once u finish calibrate games and ur mmr is like 3.3k and u manage to get to vh skill ( 3.7k+) by climbing solo
        and after this u want to play some normal game , ur game will be high skill cause ur normal "hidden" mmr was 3k

        what i mean is that they are both different.
        real = ranked mmr

        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
        EZ MID 9k mmr

          oh yeah that ^ i thought he meant shadow pool mmr


            best fucking ward placer this world has ever fucking seen^

            EZ MID 9k mmr

              are you my new stalker?

              im scared




                  hidden mmr is not updated when u play ranked, same as ur performance in NMM got no impact on your "real" mmr. If you play on one type of MM only, eventually your other mmr just gets outdated.

                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                    What a crap.. thats why sometimes in your first calibration matches you can be placed with higher mmr players? and no matter you stomp them after calibration you will be placed with less MMR than others people in those matches. o.O

                    EZ MID 9k mmr

                      from what i remember (long time before reborn) your hidden mmr would transfer to real mmr after calibration
                      and your hidden mmr will continue to apply to non ranked games
                      doubt much changed, i bet hidden mmr has a soft cap of ~5k now, unless youre hardcore abuser

                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                        ^your hidden mmr defines only your mmr in the first calibration game, then they are separate.


                          One friend tried to smurf recently and in their first calibration matches he was placed with players between 5.5 and 6k, he won 8/10 games playing as suport, carry, mid, offlane and after the 10 matches, he has gotten 4.8 it isn't that bad, but in any of those matches was placed with people below to 5.5k

                          EZ MID 9k mmr

                            pretty much what i wrote no?

                            > your hidden mmr would transfer to real mmr after calibration
                            > and your hidden mmr will continue to apply to non ranked games


                              calibration cap is 4999. if ur hidden mmr is above that by the time u start ur calibration, u are placed above calibration cap, but in the 2nd game u drop to 4k regardless of your performance in the first one.

                              i thought u didnt know how exactly the process of hidden mmr transfering into real mmr works, sry. i was not arguing with what u said, instead providing some clarifications.


                                TripleSteal I understand your point, but what should someone do to mantain that "hidden MMR" on your real mmr after calibration, or nothing else it could do?


                                  what a crap , that's make no sense o.O because before "reborn dota" had a lot of players abusing on "zeus ult" in calibration matches and those stupid 3k players were placed in 5k tier after those matches.-


                                    win games in NMM

                                    but, honestly, why would u need that? just choose one type of queue u enjoy most, and play there.


                                      lets put it this way : i have 4k+ solo mmr and ~<3200 hidden solo mmr (normal skill)
                                      cause i got calibrated at ~2k and then i only played ranked and hidden mmr remanined at ~2k


                                        my friend and I we're wondering about this system. nothing else, and we're experimentating about it. His main Acc is 6200 and mine 5100.