General Discussion

General DiscussionHigh Skill into Normal Skill Bracket.

High Skill into Normal Skill Bracket. in General Discussion
Wizard . SlayeR.

    About Skill Brackets.. this account my alt. why i'm on high skill on a few games then can't see my fault my high skill bracket into the normal bracket. What can i do to back me on high skill against.

    Need Tips. to achive VHS gameplay..

    What can I do to get VHS look my games.

    이 주제는 수정되었습니다

      It depends on your hidden MMR.. You are fluctuating between High and Normal skill means now your hidden MMR is about 3200.. It depends on how you perform.. Whether you win the game, your kDa, your Hero damage.. If you perform well your hidden MMR increases.. If you suck it decreases..

      Wizard . SlayeR.

        THANKS for a lot now i know.

        Wizard . SlayeR.

          Any Tips When i Create a New accaunt what can i consider to rate me into VHS.


            its okay when u create acc and got normal skill. if u are really high skill player u will get it soon. depends what player u are


              Play high hero damage heroes.. Don't Zeus..sometime back people were smurfing a lot with Zeus so valve did something to the Zeus hero damage calculations I guess.. Play heroes like invo, ta, spectre, wind, timber, gyro, meepo.. Participate a lot in fights and die less.. That's what valve wants to know..that you fight a lot and die less..
              I am more of an afk farming kind of player..and I don't fight much.. So when I smurfed I got stuck in high skill bracket..
              So you wanna get to VHS you have to fight a lot.. Even if you lose the game..keep a respectable KDA and be the best in your team.. That will suffice I guess..


                does skill bracket really matter? i got vhs when i reched 4k mmr, and all this time i was like normal skill ir jsut high skill


                  nothing wrong with zues, if you stomp with him then you'll go up brackets.

                  the issue was people just afking in fountain spamming ult and moving up brackets even when they lost horribly because they were out of their league.


                    @Defiance I'm not sure about that.. Im pretty new to dota.. So some research I did on smurfing suggested that Zeus was really broken in terms of MMR and Valve kind of tampered with the way they rate the damage done by the hero..

                    Wizard . SlayeR.

                      According on my research to get VHS Bracket First at all when you create it .You'll try to do 30kills -0 deaths - more assist. Its that True??

                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                        THANKS for a lot now i know.

                        yeah you get up when you're good and down when you're bad WHO WOULD FUCKING TELL
                        i swear that nowadays everyone who makes a smurf has some kind of mental disorder

                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                          arin so fucking savage. yarintheslayer



                            Meat Spinner

                              @Wizard . Slayer
                              If u can achieve high skill its sure u can be vHs ! Dota needs experience ! Best of luck !

                              Wizard . SlayeR.

                                i see your recent games. so awsome you'll get VHS on Hard Play using invoker its a Nice..

                                Wizard . SlayeR.

                                  give me a Tips. I create against an accaunt because of recents losses. What can i consider to achive VHS . What hero is better. i can use invoker. And else.


                                    The grammar nazi within me says you should correct your spelling from accaunt to account.
                                    That's just me.
                                    Anyways, watch your own replays and compare them to pro players'.
                                    If you're able to, ask someone of high mmr that you're friends with.

                                    Wizard . SlayeR.
                                      이 댓글은 삭제되었습니다.

                                        Well. It's a good time for you to learn to speak English.

                                        Wizard . SlayeR.

                                          Dude. How to get VHS. i'll create a new account i want all my recents are VHS not Normal Bracket .

                                          Putins Price Hike

                                            KDA lol. I am glad Valve knows very little about dota lol. KDA speaks nothing to the game. Someone can have a lot of kills but still not be the reason their team won. or they can have very litle and be a huge reason. Just funny how no matter what game you play Kills are all that matters. Maybe why supports dont buy wards or mek lol


                                              getting good helps