General Discussion

General DiscussionSpectre match advice

Spectre match advice in General Discussion
    I was fairly good.
    I bough items in this order:
    * Stout
    * Poor Man's
    * Phase
    * Radiance
    * Drum
    * Manta
    * Butterfly
    I was about to go Heart next.
    Now, the questions:
    * Instead of Butterfly, should I have gone for Cuirass in that game?
    * Drum, before Rad, after Rad?
    * Vanguard more sustainable instead of my build?
    * Is Heart + Blade Mail a bad combo?
    * I don't like to go Diffusal, but are there cases where I MUST go for Diffusal?

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      Drums is an early game item.

      This is badmans build, dude who is closest to 9k mmr and spans spectre.

      Phase boots , urn of shadows , drums of endurance, radiance, then the rest is usual shit like manta diffusial heart / skadi etc.

      With drums and urn, spectre has 15 extra strength, and lots of mobility , this means that he can tank a lot of damage, and move fast enough to get kills, especially with urn.

      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
      Dire Wolf

        yeah if you're going to go drums you do it before radiance. Radiance rush is not really advisable. I actually even like to get aquila and yasha before radiance, I usually go phase, aquila, vanguard, yasha, radiance, finish manta or heart, finish the other. Heart is amazing after radiance cus all u need to do is improve your uptime to win fights. Radiance will do a lot of work plus your dispersion does a ton of dmg.

        Vanguard is just kind of preference. But you should go either drums or vanguard early so you aren't paper. Drums more dmg and chasing power, vanguard more dmg reduction and sustain. Course most people get urn with drums for sustain.

        Butterfly is always better than AC unless you just have to have -armor for towers or something, but that's maybe like 1 out of 20 games.

        Diffusal is core against stuff you need to purge or mana important heroes like wraith king and medusa. If you pop manta + diffusal on a wk or medusa they are dead. And then it's good for purging silences off yourself. Otherwise it's a great dmg item vs squishy heroes like if there's a shadow shaman, crystal maiden, witch dr, stuff like that, it'll do some work with your ult. Otherwise it's kind of up to you, nothing wrong with it, I would get it before radiance.


          1) Against Heroes like AM that usually don't build MKB, Butterfly is okay. I would Usually get Heart or Skadi before Butterfly though. A tanky Spectre is truly scary. As Spectre, usually you don't want to be the person building AC. The only time you should is if your team really needs an AC and nobody on your team can build it.
          2) Always get drums or vanguard before radiance. A Spectre with pms, phase and radiance is going to get murdered a lot by good enemies. The only time you go radiance first is when the enemy feeds you a bunch of kills early and you suddenly have 3800 gold.
          3) Drums plus and urn will give you better fighting ability but in games where neither team is fighting much, vanguard will let you jungle better. Neither is a bad choice and it depends on the game and which you prefer.
          4) If enemy had a lot of AOE or they really want to hit you for some reason, heart plus BM is okay. However getting too many cheap items like BM, Vanguard and Drums will delay your lategame, where spectre is stongest. Try to only get one of those 3 each game then move onto bigger carry items.
          5) Diffusal is always good on spectre. It is the most cost effective damage item for your illusions and it lets you slow enemies while chasing or purge buffs off them or debuffs off yourself. If enemy has an Omniknight or another hero that you really need to remove buffs from then Definitely get Diff. Also if they have a hero like Wraith king or Medusa who is countered by mana burn its a great pickup.

          EDIT: Did I really spend so long typing this that I didn't see Dire Wolf already mentioned most of what I said? XD

          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

            Thanks, guys.
            This is my second match:
            I built AC instead of Butterfly and build Heart (more HD than Zeus, woooh)
            Now, I rush Rad only because it's difficult to pick off kills and no one really goes to enemy jungle to kill a farming hero early game, which means by 23 min, I have Rad.
            I built Diffusal after selling Drums (58').
            Analysis pls.


              3rd match. This was a bit hard but I won it.
              I got Drum before Rad (27'). Instead of AC, I built Skadi, did not make Diffusal because WK/Medusa wasn't there. Was building AC, but won before that.
              Advoice m8s


                Rad is pretty good for creep skips/blink cancelling etc

                But from what I observed, you wouldn't need rads especially if you pay attention to what illusions you rift to anyway since that gold could be used on something else

                Badman usually builds: phase > urn > drum > manta > diff > whatever the game calls for. Your solo killing potential is amazing and urn allows you to farm the jungle without going back to base

                I tried it in my last game (only 3rd time playing spec). It works wonders

                lm ao

                  how do u honestly lose as spec
                  even braindead people can win with this hero for some fucking logically stupid reason smh


                    Not really, Spec is not much of a pusher early on and you're 3 down generally when you start playing, if your team is unwilling to push after a crap start, it's pretty ez to lose.