You need to make the video thumbnail and name much more clickbait whilst not making it misleading. People also like to be kept entertained while they hear about new things, all is in the approach. They don't want a classroom simulation 2016, they aim to have fun on the internet as that is the sole purpose they play dota even at a competitive level. Long story short keep people entertained while you do what you love doing.
Oh and also pretty sure people like simple guides much more than coaching videos, as they tend to be much easier to make use of as well as for you to make, they are pretty similar to coaching anyway.
Well, that is pretty much all the constructive feedback i can give without boring you to death. Keep up the good work.
I agree with empty. I think you need better video titles and thumbnails describing what the player needs work on or something like that.
Like if you saw your video on the related videos column, would you click it yourself?
I like this. Nice videos, I've been spamming spectre abit tonight and listened to some of your stuff meanwhile. I like the 5k+ one, try get more stuff for 3-5k+ you have alot of 2k "students" which pretty much makes alot of the similar mistakes.
ty :3 yeah i'm always looking to coach more 4k+ players - unfortunately i can't force them to sign up :P
hi mate i really need ur help atm im 3.4K, acctualy im a support, but idk why my carry always sucks, sometime i say im the one who suck cause i cant win 1vs 5, and sometimes i play mid or carry, pls help get out of 3K hell, chek my dotabuff tell whats going wrong :) (sorry for the Bad english)
do you mean in game? just mute them and continue playing dota, problem solved. chances are them being stubborn doesn't really matter that much in the grand scheme of things, even if it's something like refusing to group or build a bkb or w.e
@Douji your death counts are all extremely high, it's hard to say what's going on without watching the games but that's a big red flag. try to focus on identifying which enemy hero/spell/item combinations can kill you and then doing what you can to prevent it from happening (sometimes just staying away from them is all you can do)
a lot of people do need some sort of help when it comes to breaching big milestones like that, it's pretty normal. personally i think most 4k players would benefit more from strengthening their fundamental skills (csing, positioning, map pressure, etc.) than any other kind of gimmick. also, i'm not sure if that's your only account (i'd imagine it's an alt) but you have nothing to worry about if it is.
you look like ur a nice guy and i watched couple of minutes from a video and it was on point.
good luck man
^ yeah watched and subbed too on youtube.
hope he helps people on 5-5.5k mmr bracket not to suck hard and throw my games kappa
thank guys. also i'll let you know when i can get my 5k players not to throw my games as well :P
You seem like a nice guy. I'd appriciate effort you'd put in to say few words of wisdom about my profile.
I'm 3.6k atm. Any input would be good, just say what you think is important. Thanks!
You got my subscribe :)
@Op - Dude ur like the nicest person I've seen on dotabuff. 6.5k mmr and humble enough to coach rest of the scrub mmr pool, keep it up mate. I've got 2 questions for you, feel free to answer them if you don't mind.
1) what was ur starting mmr?
2) how long ( approx how many ranked games) did it take u to reach 6.5k?
You got my subscribe as well :)
@Shred thanks for the sub! if you're 3.6k, it's sort of concerning to me that you have so many sf games played. i think it's a bit better to focus on simpler heroes at first so that you can get your fundamental skills down. sf is a hero that demands extremely fucking good mechanics in order to be played decently. that being said, i think it's completely fine. i also noticed that you play a lot of normal games, this is fine (i play them too for coin challenges) but it's not optimal for getting better, as you aren't constantly being exposed to the best players possible.
^SF's actually not that hard a hero to play in low brackets. His winrate is the highest there.
P.S: Coach me plz
@Perfectly thank you! 1) i calibrated at 3.5k 2) i had about 2k games played on my main and ~700 on my alt, so about 2700 total
@ illidan yup, here you go lost my last few games so im TECHNICALLY not 6.5k gamer anymore but yeah
I had Ecko coach me once. He's a pretty chill dude. I'd recommend him. He helped me see a few things I didn't notice (slight efficiency issues for example) and helped me lane a bit. He's from the U.S so his english is fine. He doesn't charge much for a 6.5k coach either.
when u check ur profile in dota it says 2,409 matches instead of showcasing your mmr.
There's a lot of coaches and youtubers that fakes their shit to get audience.
I'll add you to confirm you're not the usual fake shit.¨
Edit: Showcase your mmr on your dota profile please.
That picture is legit, he plays a lot of unranked, and it seems like he's playing party a lot when its ranked.
He's maybe legit though. Good luck OP.
ye, i've been pretty busy w/ coaching + youtube + some other content stuff so i don't get to play as much ranked as i used to. i also tend to play on my alt more these days for solo queue but ye i digress, thx for the confirmation
Can you just give me hero tips?
My play style (my opinion):
Getting fast kills being mobile or standing in middle of a fight with good hp
Normally I just loose with big team fight ults (I tryed tide bwc my bro is in top 50 with it, but I just suck with him)
My best winrates are zeus,morph and bb
Actually I lile playing sven but I never get the carry slot bec of first pic spek or jug
As sups I like playing shadow demon, lion and dazz so I can get ez kills with tp reactions ( but I usually play 2/3 pos)
3.7k now. I actually have smurf I made back in december 2015, calibrated both 4.5k party/solo MMR and practiced there a lot.
I think I got better at least a bit, and since I got back on my main I'm mostly climbing.
My avg. MMR used to be 3.6-3.8k, with peak of 4022 MMR several times actually.
Then I managed to hit big losing streaks, and went all the way down to low 3k - 3.3k to be exact.
That was when I made a smurf and started to practice.
" sf is a hero that demands extremely fucking good mechanics in order to be played decently"
Exactly. I learned a lot about creep eqalibrium, aggro tricks, started to practice last-hitting and so on.
So far I have around 60% winrate and climbed from 3.3k to 3.7k. Had a bad losing streak today tho, but I managed to get myself back where I started - 3.7k. No mmr gained for today. Feelsbadman
Btw, I rarely play normal actually, you should notice that since I have just 350-400 games of normal. I recently started to play unranked..
Anyways, thanks for input.
@Party not really sure what you mean by hero tips, just play what you like.
and thanks for the vouch kitrak
hey Ecko anyway you can take a look at a match or two of mine, trying to get 5k and any advice on what i should improve would be greatly appeciated.
Any one tell me .for i have probably to placed me on Very high skill according on my games im on High skill now. Its new smurf.
so much things ur not saying its actually irritating, i tried to watch the wr game on youtube and this guy backs without using windrun, it made me angry u didnt even tell him such simple thing
fortunately for the student we covered that previously, thank you for the advice though!!
How to learn to think faster in teamfights? I feel like I'm reacting way too slow...
I failed hard in my last game:
generally most people below 6k have issues w/ camera control, just practice consciously moving ur camera around in teamfights and take note of where every hero is/what spells they use etc. it takes a while but it makes ur decisions way easier if u know where everyone is
Yeah, camera control is huge, I learned that literally a few weeks ago barely, It's crazy knowing that Venge just wasted her stun 3 seconds ago on my teammate, and i'm not even fighting her, but just keeping note of that, ect. Still working on ingraining that into my game. O_O
I'm 4088, I coached a 5K player (FFYQ) I'm willing to coach you Ecko. Kappa
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hi, i'm ecko. i'm gonna keep this short - basically i'm a 6.5k player and i upload daily analysis/coaching videos to my youtube channel (links are below). uploading the lessons allows other people to learn about dota for free, in addition to letting the student go back and rewatch the lesson to consolidate the concepts we covered. check out my channel if you're interested in educational/higher level dota content. feel free to ask any questions here. iirc, i've coached a few people who actively post here, feel free to vouch for me (or don't :P). thanks for your time.