General Discussion

General DiscussionDota is a super boring game

Dota is a super boring game in General Discussion

    Dota is not a 100 heroes game, is a meta game. if you pick heroes outside of meta you will loose every match because people use better heroes than you. A lot of heroes are super useless in this meta, and like 20 or 30 are stronger and all boost up winrate

    Im not crying just saying volvo need balance better the heroes and the game will be more fun. Check my profile, check my stats im 5k broodmother spammer, when i use chen i win every match with chen ... im just decent with this heroe chen is stronger in this meta and make me win


    PD: Triplesteal lick my balls timber spammer

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      isn't that what makes dota fun?

      theres a shift in playstyle every 2~3 months which is why people never get bored

      U are all dogshit

        There is room for strategy in most games. Meta is never too rigid.


          invoker, OD, omni, sven, spectre, chen

          every ranked game has at least one, generally 2-3.

          next patch there will be another 6 heroes with same stats.


            Defiance got what i want to say with examples...

            Every match same heroes everytime, is boring guys just boring.

            and yes i know in this meta my heroe broodmother is stronger because invoker, od, spectre are easy for me, but is not fun i won 82% matches last week in ranked games, i boosted up 600 mmr really quickly.

            im just saying i want see all the carrys, all the supports all the middler. where is elder titan, puck, troll, sniper, chaos knight, legion commander, abadon, shadow demon, venomancer, etc etc and a long etc in profesional/high level ranks ?

            here guys is a resume ..

            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
            Miku Plays

              I Spam legion ever since and I don't have the time to learn anything else


                I agree. You know what I would like to see? Icefrog balancing the hero pool different depending on skill level. Meta at pro level is different from meta at pubs. Meta at 5k is different from 1k. Nurfing storm spirit may be good for keeping him balanced in 5k, but he needs to be buffed in 1k IMO.


                  Lol im actually a Medusa spammer and shes countered by almost all of the current meta heros and still i won 65 % last month... Fuck meta


                    PD: Triplesteal lick my balls timber spammer


                      How you explain that Omniknight is always in meta?


                        lol who are you

                          이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

                            The current "meta" is hugely overrated by a lot of players.
                            Of course the power of heroes shifts over patches, but not to the extent that outside-of-meta-heroes are not viable. They are situationally better a lot of times. Counterpicks and synergy between heroes still exist, and that won't change.


                              is using the word "meta" meta?

                              honestly a lot of meta shit is over-rated, but regardless you have to learn it to either

                              1. deal with it and keep using unconventional things or

                              2. embrace it and give cancer to everyone you meet online.

                              EDIT: how is tide not meta, this hero is fucking amazing in this patch.

                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                Every meta hero, yes, even Arc Warden, can be currently be countered 1v1 by someone else, so victory still depends on the better team.

                                Best way to play DotA is still to master all the heroes and all the roles. This way, no change in meta/patch can really bother you. You always have a counterpick available to help your team win.


                                  The only people who 'meta' really matters when picking heroes is >6k and pros. Even then it's dubious as to whether individual hero skill is more important. There are plenty of heroes that get respect bans when playing certain teams.

                                  Everyone else can win with any hero if they bother to learn them properly.


                                    Teach me mastah use broodmother

                                    Nervous Bakedown

                                      Not much room to say that since all you use is brood