General Discussion

General DiscussionGet Rid Of These Achievements ASAP

Get Rid Of These Achievements ASAP in General Discussion

    Isnt that shit compendium enough, now youll see people trying to farm avhievements. At least restrict them from ranked. This game is so shieeeeet.

    Miku Plays



        I kinda agree with this.

        Onii chan

          lol, these achievements wont make money like compend, it has a lot way to increase the arbitrary points. juz play the way u want and those shitty points will increase from nowhere


            these achievements are pretty garbage honestly. it's just bloating the website with useless shit we don't want or need to look at.

            it would definitely be a LOT cooler if it tracked single-game achievements or skill-based things, but as it is which is simply just grinded achievements its ultra dumb.


              So the messages I see in game: "I commend you, if you let me get a kill" - that was about achievements...

              Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                Just ignore this achievements. It's not like it will give you a hero bundlw or something