General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy is there less pick variety the higher the bracket?

Why is there less pick variety the higher the bracket? in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    Looking at the meta tab the 5k+ bracket is always much more top heavy in terms of hero pick rates. Right now invoker is 53%, OD is 41%, spectre is 36%. 4k-5k bracket is similar, but under those it drops off a lot. Invoker is the only hero picked over 30% outside of 4k and 5k brackets, he's 39% in 3k and 32% in 2k. No other hero is over 30% and under 2k doesn't have anyone over 30% pick rate.

    This seems counter intuitive. I would think that the weaker players would gravitate more towards spamming op/meta picks and easy to play (or perceived easy to play) heroes like PA and jugger, but actually they play everyone with more variety. And the 4 and 5k players who should be able to effectively play everything are much more rigid in their roles.

    In 5k+ the top 10 heroes account for 30% of all hero picks. Not just 30% pick rates, 30% of ALL picks. That means in a 10 player match three of the heroes will be from the top ten most popular.

    In 3-4k top 10 pick rate representation drops to 23%. In 2-3k it drops to 21%.

    So why do you think this is? Is it maybe because 4k and 5k players are so good that any small disadvantage is exploited and they can't win without the top heroes? Or do you think it's cus lower mmrs are not as good at picking?

    These are just my observations, I have no answer for them.


      Meta matters a lot more in higher brackets

        이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

          OP / meta picks are not necessarily easier to play. take earth spirit, or at least earth spirit in older patches, idk if he's still OP, but that hero has a high skill floor and was still considered OP.

          weaker players play whatever they want because their opponents are not going to capitalise on their mistakes and are going to make mistakes of their own, so you can still win with crap drafts, weak heroes that go unpunished, bad item builds, or whatever. you can still do that in higher mmrs but it's much harder to do because the enemy are less likely to make the same mistakes that you're making unlike at say, 2k mmr.


            Because very high skill players abuse the op-ness of heroes like invoker spectre od lone druid and they try hard as fuck to gain MMR

            People in lower skill dont have to deal with the spamming of op heroes so they don't respond by picking op heroes they try to win by just being better

            If you ever play in 5k+ game you'll see everyone is a fucking try hard. In normal skill its more laid back because people are not as good so you can beat them with a worse hero by just out playing them .

            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

              because good heroes win, bad ones lose. people above 5k have generally had to win their way there.

              Or they buy it =)


                Because this patch is dogshit. lmao @ redditors who think everything is viable in their 2k mmr games, meanwhile 5k+ games are same exact heroes every single game. Just make sure OP heroes aren't literally braindead pubtrash like Sniper or Bloodseeker and no one will notice your game is broken as shit :^)

                Dire Wolf

                  right, well that seems to be a majority of the complaints, coming from 5k+ players. Personally I love this patch.


                    The only problem with this patch is that it's impossible to win from the carry role. Or if you are going to win you have to pick spectre and then rely on the rest of your team to get you to late enough in the game to be able to win with the hero - and that's basically literally impossible. You have to go mid because if you don't your mid hero will lose the lane. Take my recent games for example. 11 recent games I went mid, won the lane and the game in 6 of them, won the lane lost the game in 3, lost the lane and the game in only 2. The games where I am not mid, I had a windranger lose mid to a venomancer, I had an Invoker slightly win the game against a zeus, I had an Ursa slightly win the lane against a windranger, and I had a windranger draw equal with an Invoker.


                      " impossible to win from the carry role" ?????

                      have you played od safe, sven or spec??

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