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General DiscussionNeed Help on Supporting

Need Help on Supporting in General Discussion

    Title. Feels like I'm become a burden than helping lately. Could someone take a glance at my past games and give me advice to be better? I didn't expect any of you to watch the replay, but if you do, I appreciate it so much

    PS: don't look at carry games, it's cancerous :p


      I Duno i think support effectiveness is making the right rotations early game. Choosing which lane requires most attention, not just the one u start in. Need a good understanding of the game to achieve that


        It's most prolly you're constantly being calibrated with better players so it feels like slowly you're being a burden. But from your games, i believe you have a grasp on being a good support. You prolly need to adjust your playstyle constantly as you will face more experienced players.


          Try playing a support Riki. Its very good


            As a support, you must rotate to prevent your teammates from dying and to setup possible ganks. You should always carry a TP so you can be present everywhere if needed. Check your minimap and scroll around the map often, from mid, to top, then to bottom lane for example, check and secure runes for your midlaner, make stacks, pull creeps (On the right time, to keep the lane equilibrium. A big mistake bad supports tend to do is to pull on the wrong time, making your carry tank all enemy creeps if he doesn't want the tower to hit them - that's annoying as fuck), harass the enemies if possible. Just make sure you're not just leeching your core's exp without being useful. Keep your map warded. That means not only observer wards, but also sentries if needed. Remember, probably you're not the only one who is putting wards around the map, the enemies are doing it aswell. You must make sure their map vision is darker than yours. As a support, you shouldn't care about spending 400-600 gold in sentries at once, if it can make your team ahead in a matter of map control. DO NOT put ward always on the same old places, be creative, don't waste an observer in a place you know enemies are putting sentries. There are many places you can ward that probably people won't find out, unless if using a gem or so. Also, make sure you're not idle when the clock sets xx:00. By that time you're supposed to be stacking some shit or controlling runes.

            Supports are the early game carriers. Your role is to make your cores lifes easier.

              이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

                Just remember that a good support can win the lane but not the game it's the carry (1and 2 position) that win games

                I used to believe that but now supp are just as important as a carry
                Unless some games where your team just snowballs the whole game and supp can also impact the game like a dazzle shallow grave of Oracle ulti can literally win fights and the game...when u play a supp u need care more about how your team is doing than yourself...there is a guide about supporting made by PPD it was informative and helpful (the link )

                  이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

                    Also, communication with your teammates is the key. If you're leaving your carry to gank another lane, tell him to take care while you're out, for example. Or indicate a possible gank using mic, chat or pinging like a retard on the map. It should help. You're not only supporting your carry, but your whole team.

                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                      Yea that why I said when u snowball the game u Can win it unless yoir team miss that time window cause usually there a certain time frame where your team can just win the game but you don't use it eventually the the other team recovers from the gold and exp disadvantage


                        I'll take note, thanks all. Wish me luck :)


                          Here is a deal: purchase Ghost, Glimmer and Eul in next 10 games. Then describe here what changed.


                            The thing is, games usually over before I grab any of those, or should I forgo force staff, mek, etc?

                            Will try when viable though


                              Don't forgo your item, you have to feel and predict what's needed the most for your team, preferably in the long run.

                              For example ;
                              Does your team able to win in teamfight but usually with low health ? Pick Mek or Urn (if nobody else build it).
                              Does your team (or probably you) getting burst down quickly by magic damage ? Pipe can prevent that. \
                              Does your enemy has a dangerous single target spell ? Glimmer might help
                              Are you always short on mana and the game is going well ? Euls can take care of it

                              I also played support and this is what i usually do in terms of item.

                              Btw, how about trying Ogre Magi ? They're durable, has a stun, a slow, attack and movespeed buff, plus the chance to nuke the hell out of your enemy if you're lucky. They're like beefy CM without aura IMO ;D


                                buy courier, buy wards, up courier, harass enemy offlaner, gank mid, stack camps, secure runes


                                  -pick tree
                                  -get aghs


                                    only losers play surport


                                      ^lel said the guy spamming dazzle 4head


                                        only fegs play duzle

                                        M1YONG PAPLO

                                          buy ward


                                            @niger youre a loser then lol

                                            M1YONG PAPLO

                                              @niger you dont have to be angry, this bukkake 1.6k lol


                                                i'm more like 160 bro. trust me


                                                  i aint no feg where u live bro?

                                                  u wanna throw down ill throw down


                                                    hail setin

                                                    M1YONG PAPLO

                                                      ^ saw that

                                                      Holy Roman Empire

                                                        I mostly play carry and I really like a support who zones out the offlaner well and stacks. Ganks dont matter to me even when Im mid or offlane though a lot of lane losers want it.


                                                          who need supports on 2k kappa pogchamp pjsalt 4head


                                                            Lol when I was 2k I'm always the support in our team. Oftentimes it works like that.
                                                            Now I'm in 3.5k mmr and continues supporting.
                                                            To be a good support:
                                                            1. Prioritize warding over your items(if you are the hard support)
                                                            2. Be a quick decider on moments like saving your teammates before yourself.
                                                            3.Learn when to smoke gank.
                                                            4.Update the rune spawn every 2 minutes.
                                                            5.Practice warding techniques, pulling camps and camp blocking.
                                                            7. Lol buy a courier at the start.
                                                            8. Be an artisan at denying creeps. Off the auto-attack. It works better to that.

                                                            Happy supporting.


                                                              ^First five were ok, but 7 and 8 are retarded. Declassify number 6, I want to know what happened with you at that moment.