General Discussion

General Discussion1k vs 2.5k

1k vs 2.5k in General Discussion

    What would you say are the most important things that separate 1k from 2.5k?

    As in skill wise and ability of players.

    What is the key differences?


      i played from just below 1k to 3,7k atm and i think ist mainly just a bit more lasthits and people picking sup at 2k a bit more

      Alien Righteousness

        The same differences exist between every tier.

        2k players last hit better than 1k players. They also have better map awareness, rotate faster, farm more efficiently, have better mechanics, etc. And the same can be said of 3k players with regards to 2k players, and 4k players with regards to 3k players.

        Not saying this is you, but a lot of people, when they try to improve at something, are always looking for some "trick" or "magic bullet" that will take them to the next level. Consequently, if they just learn that "trick", they'll be above their peers. There is no such trick.

        If you want to be a better carry, learn to last hit better and farm more efficiently. If you want to support better, learn to ward more surreptitiously and rotate more quickly.

        Pick one thing you want to improve at, and just practice it to death. I played a ton of bot games with Lycan, for example, before I started playing him in pubs. I practiced checking enemy inventories for TP's, Roshing at lvl 8 with only Vlad's and Treads, etc.

        If you want to improve quickly, don't aim for being a 2k player, if you're 1k player. If you play carry, for example, watch the pros farm and then make it your goal to also get 100 cs in the first 15 min. Aim high.


          Umm....having played in both brackets? I'd say...
          At 1k, 50+% of players don't know / care to last hit / deny. The idea of pulling and stacking is foreign to 80% of "support" players.
          At 2.5k, 50+% of players know / care to last hit / deny. I'd say about 50% of support players know what pulling and stacking is.

          At 1k, players often die because they misclick on the minimap, have poor camera control, or simply don't pay attention to their hero / allies. These kind of "Fails of the Week" deaths almost never happen at 2.5k.

          Otherwise, I'd say it's pretty similar. 2.5k players typically know what counterpicks are, but most 1k players don't. However, actual hero pools are only marginally better at 2.5k, so the execution is usually just as bad.

          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

            ^ for sure u are 2.5k player

              이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

                i came from the deep so i know, no difference really all of us are retarded.


                  Nothing, they are both trash


                    played on my friends 1k account. They are just brain dead and 2.5k has less stupidy but can make a lot of mistakes

                    lm ao

                      the difference among different tiers of mmr is honestly in general, speed

                      self explanatory




                          1k miss spells with target such as doom/dagger. miss chronos and shiet.


                            1k miss spells with target such as doom/dagger. miss chronos and shiet.

                            im doing that on 4.5k as well


                              can some1 borrow me 1k acc ... life is boring at 3.6k , its all abt luck to gain mmr ... lots spoiler


                                ye nvm. just happened in my game too. necro and lina used ultis on marked illusions. because why not


                                  Thanks guys for the explanations.

                                  Just wondering really as I have a smurf and just calibrated at 2.5k my main is only 1k and just don't want to lose all that mmr on the smurf by playing badly.

                                  So my idea with this thread was to point out what the main differences are and yea I get it.

                                  I suppose it's common sense that the main difference would be slightly less mistakes than that of 1k players.

                                  Anyway, onwards and up I just have to practice instead of trying to grind mmr and losing it in the process.

                                  Cheers again!