General Discussion

General DiscussionPA completely antifun to play with or against

PA completely antifun to play with or against in General Discussion

    Just saying.

    It's even worse when the PA is on my team, because we already have a riki and PA and riki pretty much fill the same role and we don't need 2 of the same role. It now brings a competition between the 2 of us because there's only enough kills and farm for one of us.

    Also, usually a PA on the team tends to consume all the resources. then Riki gets only 20 farm in a 50 minute game (((((

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    Insert C01n

      Pretty sure everyone hates her :D


        Not really, if you give her space.


          PA is a fun hero, at least to me. She has certain strengths and weaknesses, but for the current patch she is simply outclassed by the majority of meta carries.


            I am super easy to counter if you aren't a retard

            ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

              She's fun to play but not against.

              Insert C01n

                MKB says f*** you to her ;)


                  Shit hero. Could be viable if she got a 50% "backtrack" for phys attacks

                  Livin' Real Good

                    She's fun to play cause she's so braindead easy to use, you can stomp 1-2K with her easily, cause they just stand out in the open for ez solo dagger-phantom strike kills.

                    But against a real carry she's shit.

                    The Joker

                      Blur don't work against magic spell so all you had to is to point at her and BOOM! She's gone

                      ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                        No, I just think it's BS that I could be a 730 damage Riki with 2 divine rapiers and a dagon and I'll still lose to the 220 damage PA in a 1v1 duel.

                        yung griphook

                          is there a mute button in this forum?

                          Venus, MBA

                            Anyone with a blink is really annoying to play against, especially when they have a blink that gives them 130 attack speed for four attacks and you're a lich or something with terrible hp that gets wiped by two crits. As long as you have a half decent carry that buys mkb come paste game she isn't very good.


                              I'd argue that silver edge, atos, ghost scepter, bkb are all harder item counters to PA then mkb

                              The Joker

                                wait bkb can prevent a critical!?

                                Insert C01n

                                  Well I´d say PA is annoying but there are a lot of heroes and mechanics in the game which can deal with her pretty easily. Unless she gets really really fat she is paper and if you have some sort of strong lockdown which pierces avatar you can nuke her down. She relies heavily on her Coup de Grace and therefore... well luck :D

                                  ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                    I hate it when a PA is on my team. It's even worse than a PA on the enemy team.

                                    Mainly because we have a Riki on the team already, and PA and Riki kinda fill the same niche of the blink strike carry.


                                      That's the point. Double Rapier + Dagon on Riki is shit


                                        How about eblade, Dagon and refresher on Riki?


                                          She's good if you can maintain a lead or be ahead, pretty bad if you fall behind because you get aggressively dual laned.

                                          Say for example if you pick clinkz and your lane partner could pick something good but instead he picks earth spirit because he is pracitising. So then the PA and Jakiro are able to threaten you and you can't out harass her and drive her out of lane. On the other hand when you pick PA you get dual laned against by Abaddon and Bounty Hunter and your safelane CM does nothing but die to them. Or get solo laned against by a Viper except your "support" picks a fucking Ogre Magi so he can't and doesn't do anything to zone the solo Viper who then proceeds to harass away all your regen and get free farm over you and end up getting the most farm in the game by 10 minutes so he has a 10 minute Mek and when the useless earth spirit and ogre magi come top and the three of you try to kill the viper at 10 minutes he turns around and gets a fucking triple kill and you are the only carry on the team because you have a fucking Lion mid while the enemy have an SF, and a safelane Spectre, and an offlane Viper who got as much farm and exp as a mid viper and all you have is useless shit like Ogre, Earth Spirit, Lion and a Kunkka. Those sorts of games are unwinnable no matter how good a PA you are.

                                          Venus, MBA

                                            I've been teamed with a lot of good PAs that have carried me well and I will never question PA's relevance on a good player with her. However, from a competitive standpoint it just feels like other heroes can do the job better.

                                            ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                              It's not that, it's just that theres only enough farm for either a Riki or a PA, and I hate it when I only get 20 farm in a 50 minute game.


                                                Learning new hero

                                                  ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!, do you know there is an item named Monkey King Bar ?
                                                  Here, you can see the item here.
                                                  Remove one of your rapier for this thing.

                                                  ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                    MKB doesn't help when she's on your own team and stealing your damn last hits and you get like 20 creeps in a 50 min game because fucking PA decided to go a 2nd carry top instead of picking a support.

                                                    Fee Too Pee

                                                      since your riki never hit buildings anyway, if you get farmed, its hard to push so yeaa i think every PA literally better than your riki

                                                      ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                        25 minute Dagon. 25 minutes. Because fucking PA wanted to steal 3 of my kills and 60 of my creep kills.


                                                          If you're 730 damage riki and you lost to a 220 damage PA you should actually just quit.

                                                          ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                            Well, PA's crits at max rank ult deal more than 730 damage, and 220 damage PA usually builds agi, so she has attack speed AND armor.

                                                            730 damage Riki has... 730 damage.

                                                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                              Have you tried going eblade, Dagon, and refresher on Riki? If PA's bkb is on cd you can kill her.

                                                              Piguera- @Neoxa

                                                                You don't lvl up smoke. You deserve it.
                                                                Also, you don't know how to farm. PA isn't omnipresent. You could cry for Tinker or NP stealing your farm all over the map, but not for a PA. You can also try neutrals.

                                                                Zorthax Dorn

                                                                  Stop making these trolls posts. For the love of God all this forum is now is just you complaining you can't carry Riki 4/5 threads.


                                                                    His highest last hits EVER is 120 in a 1:20hr long fucking game xD. Every normal person gets that in 30 minutes latest. He gets like 20 last hits a game. Not to sure why you are complaining about farm being taken

                                                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!