General Discussion

General DiscussionWhich hero is best to secure farm for your carry?

Which hero is best to secure farm for your carry? in General Discussion


    Dune, the Desert Planet

      Roof with QB spamming "need X gold for Hand of Midas".


        depends on enemys offlaner


          I assume that offlaner is not alone. And there are too many strong duos to name them all.

          the realm's delight

            skywrath is good


              Lich. Period.

              Dire Wolf

                Depends on offlaner, depends on the carry.

                If carry is wraith king for example get a slow on a ranged hero and get kills. If it's like spectre don't expect kills, you need to zone out. If it's TB, he has a pretty good slow already so a stun would be better.

                If offlaner is say clockwerk you want ranged hero. If it's bristleback you want shadow shaman to keep his facing, etc etc.


                  Picks dark seer
                  Stacks hard camp
                  Enemy sees it
                  Enemy kills you and takes the stacks
                  4 reports and a ticket to low priority

                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                    Jakiro or Venomancer, just bully them with liquid fire/breath/wards/toxic right clicks until they give up and go jungle.

                    Dire Wolf

                      Veno depends. He has medium attack range and is squishy early, plus needs levels to be real effective. His attack is passive so he'll draw aggro harassing if not careful. Jakiro is very tanky for an int hero, his range sucks too but his orb has 600 range on it so he can harass very well and not draw aggro. If enemy dives jakiro has a stun, veno doesn't. Veno is really good at zoning out solo offlaners or grouping with a tanky carry. But if you are both squishy vs a strong dual lane veno is easy to kill and won't protect the carry.


                        Jakiro lvl 1 liquid fire deals 60 magic damage on 20 sec cooldown. This is not enough.

                        waku waku

                          undying's pretty swell most of the time

                          Dire Wolf

                            He has auto attack just like any other support... You mean only supports with dot orbs are any good?

                            Warlock is also criminally underrated at zoning people out. Dot plus chains combo is op. But he has no control so again an aggressive dual lane can kill you.


                              I just don't know what to do.

                              For example:
                              here I terribly lost lane vs Venge and Beastmaster. They just ran at me, and nothing I could do about it.

                              Supports supposed to be strong in early game, but I constantly feel very under-powered starting from very first minute of the game.

                              seto my friend

                                Enemy Dual lanes = pick a trilane = Profit


                                  I can't "pick trilane", I can only pick my hero and watch my teammate's picks.

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    vs + bm is a super strong lane, they have slow with the boar, a lot of dmg with the aura + boar + terror, and a stun. And your carry was probably anti mage. Vs a dual offlane AM needs a trilane. Same with spectre, that's just how it is.


                                      Jakiro is the best for harass IMO that's all bye


                                        The game you just mentioned, it seems that you should have leveled your stun at least once by level 2. If you are facing an aggressive dual lane, you will want to secure an escape for yourself or your carry. Jakiro has a pretty legit AoE stun. Also, it helps to just ask another lane for a gank or two if they drive the creeps into the tower early. With a NP that shouldn't have been too hard to ask for.


                                          I can't say anything about Jakiro since I had sub 30% winrate on him FeelsBadMan. I'll say Lich if you want a babysitter, or just keep ganking their other lanes. Rotation forced : Space created.


                                            u mean the best babysitter? i would say phoenix ..

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