General Discussion

General DiscussionPuck solo in the Offlane?

Puck solo in the Offlane? in General Discussion

    I've been thinking about some alternative lanes for heroes to draft and I keep coming to the idea of a solo Puck in the Offlane. He still gets the solo XP and gold for his Blink Dagger while keeping the mid as a surprise pick later in the draft. With a somewhat skilled player he can be very hard to kill even before Blink. I would appreciate some more insight on the matter, thanks!

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        Well, Puck has excelents skills to be a Offlaner, a scape, a silence, and can easily kills support with 2 skills, so it's worth it as an offlaner, but it's an old meta, if i remember it was used as offlaner before lol

        go to youtube, there are a lots of professional players playing a Offlaner Puck

          이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

            there WERE a lot of professional players playing puck offlane couple of years ago. now u either pick him for mid, or not pick him at all, imo.


              agreed but if you dun hv early lead, gg

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                  well, back then they did okay jsut cz the meta and playstyle and some small specific shit about those heroes, were different


                    like, f.e now clockwerk sucks dicks, but previously people picked him, and it doesnt mean that this hero was initailly bad and ppl didnt understand that. the game was simply different to its current state.

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                        ppl are still fucking stupid u dumbdfuck lmao and will always be and im a great example of that 4Head 4Head 4Head

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                              이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

                                i see it differently
                                i agree with the point of top pkayers getting significantly better over the last few years, but thats not the only (and not even the main) reason for puck/wr/etc. offlane becoming not viable. i think it mostly happened due to meta changes and hero reworks.

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                                    that was significantly influenced by the introduction of offlane camp, new ld spell, etc.

                                    like, now there are offlaners that get shit out of the laning stage, and puck is worse than them cause he cant do it; but back in the days u had no heroes that would really do much in hardlane

                                    < blank >

                                      Ye those offlane camps are a good buff for offlane Storm can agree

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                                          ye agreed


                                            meanwhile in mid 4k's you can still run wind off because we all fucking suck ass :)

                                            Livin' Real Good

                                              4K huh, Hehehehe'

                                              lm ao

                                                Triplo youre such a cowardly pissant

                                                Go ask kitrak out to a mothetfucking fistfight for the love of Russia. What a fucking embarassment you are to your family honor smh ffs