General Discussion

General Discussioni hate retards

i hate retards in General Discussion
Granite Lee

    why do i get paired up with idiots who have played like 4000 games and still suck at this game like my mid warlock 0/9/1...
    how do i get these retarded shits. why do these dumbasses play? is it fun to suck?

    lm ao

      I hate closeminded edgelords aswell ^_^

      Granite Lee

        I wouldnt get mad. If people weren't retarded shits. All retards can go kill themselves. They serve no purpose to the world.

        lm ao

          I was expecting to be insulted back...

          Granite Lee

            yea cause you're obviously a retard as well. way to show that you are

            Granite Lee

              and obviously you suck at dota since you're stuck in normal skill. so fuck off

              Venus, MBA

                And arrogant snob smurf players refuse to take advice from anyone of us filthy normal bracket casuals because they're too busy spamming Spectre for a good KDA. Don't ask questions on forums if you don't want to hear it from people in normal skill.


                  ^ agrred, OP ur the one of them btw, so why ur angry at ur own kind? stpd


                    You play normal mm, so its fine to play how ever and what ever. Now if this had happened in ranked mm, I would totally agree with u.
                    But normal mm is where people can just go oblivious and have fun, if not there, where else ?

                    Swap Commends

                      Retards hate u

                      lm ao


                        Von Darkmoor

                          NO NO NO NO and no....

                          All pick ranked and unranked is where you troll and have fun othwrwise try keep it serious for fuck sake.

                          Also if you Want to win why dont you solo mid yourself OP?
                          Or just play a some what scaling support?
                          There is always going to be a fucktard picking carry that dont know how to last hit how to lasthit undertower how to agro pull or how to watchout for ganks. Fuck you proberly fit this category urself so seriously pick a scaling support read up on ward place ment learn when to place rune-tard wards and when to stop doping it and profit.

                          Von Darkmoor

                            Just notised you are a multiaccounter.... You will get banned after the manilla patch. As will all multifucks!


                              don't hate yourself OP, who else is going to love you