General Discussion

General DiscussionSupport Calibration

Support Calibration in General Discussion
Billie Eyelash

    Will I get low mmr by just spamming supports?

    lm ao

      No lol

      Swap Commends

        Spam healers


          yes u will
          i tried it and it didnt work for me . i am 4.6 solo and as u can see , i am 24/7 supp
          then i made a smurf and wanted to see the result
          as u can see , i got over 60% winrate ( dont mind the last 3 matches ) and i got 3.7 only :))
          your xpm , gpm , LH will be low ofc so u will calibrate into some low crap


            No If Your Good You Got Good Mmr Too that make sense