ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!! 2016/04/02"Build 6 rapiers in 1 game" "Lose 5 games with 3 rapiers in your inventory" "Get more than 30 kills in a game" "Get no assists in a game."SirSwirll 2016/04/02or just be normal (No more replies guys)жирный 2016/04/02build 12 rapiers in 1 game and lose댓글을 작성하시려면 로그인이 필요합니다.스팀 계정으로 로그인
"Build 6 rapiers in 1 game"
"Lose 5 games with 3 rapiers in your inventory"
"Get more than 30 kills in a game"
"Get no assists in a game."