General Discussion

General DiscussionClock vs Slark 1v1

Clock vs Slark 1v1 in General Discussion
Mike Wazowski..!
    First off i am not a regular offlane player and i kind of just learning the role. Neither am i a regular Clockwerk player, so it would be better if you could say something other than "git gud" . I initially gave first blood to the Slark coz i dint realise he had taken Bounty rune. And from there the lane went downhill for me and i died 5 times.. I was fully solo against him except for one death if i remember right.. I did manage to come back into the game with a few good rotations.. Is Slark expected to win the lane against Clockwerk, or was it because i misinterpreted my damage output??
    Any offlane players please help..


      slark can win against clock, but not with this skillbuild, so in this case it was mostly ur fault. cant tell anything more cz im a goddamn awful clock player myself.


        you focus on burning his mana with cogs and you're fine
        i think i've even seen some ppl getting even two points in cogs
        ofc it depends on other ppl in game as well but when i look at enemy lineup, you could've definitely win that lane

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          Mike Wazowski..!

            what skillbuild would you go against clock??

            Pointy Shoes

              Yes, Slark is annoying for clockwerk. If I play clockwerk solo hard lane against 2 or 3 heroes I tend to max Rocket Flare and Battery Assault and not skill Power Cogs at all, you are not going to trap anyone anyway because you will most likely die if you do. You could use it as an escape mechanism but even that is risky if you are facing two heroes with stun. Just keep your distance, use rocket flare to get some gold and battery to scare off enemies that chase you; you are still getting experience from just being around.

              If however, you were facing a solo slark, then it could maybe be possible to dominate him by skilling your stats and battery assault and maybe one rocket to finish him if he jumps away. cogs are useless since he can jump out if he needs to.


                ^go away thanks

                i'd max W or go 221, try to dodge ur cogs and killed you over and over when they'd be on cd (probably with early oov too)

                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                Mike Wazowski..!

                  @Tops Stats and Battery Assault? You've got to be kidding me..


                    slark should have 2 points into his passive at level 3 in any melee 1v1 solo lane

                    Pointy Shoes

                      @arin can you read? I wrote that I wouldn't even skill cogs against a solo slark. Just stats and battery assault. Lets see if you want to get near clock with that build...

                      Mike Wazowski..!

                        with level 2 battery assault, he is gonna bait out your battery assault, then have an 18 second window to kill you..

                        Pointy Shoes

                          bait out my battery assault? i only use it if he uses pounce of course. then he has 20 s cooldown if he just abandons that.
                          anyway, i think slark has a slight edge over clock, thats why u need to be elusive and dont use cogs to trap him; just let him chase you if he wants to.

                          Mike Wazowski..!

                            Dude you are retarded really.. Please.. Stas and BA is not gonna work against any half decent slark..

                            Pointy Shoes

                              No? Here is Ferrari playing Slark against clock solo. Try to figure out clock's build.


                              Mike Wazowski..!

                                the clock went for 3-1-1 or 2-1-2 definitely not 1 and stats.. You yourself proved how retarded your idea was..


                                  Lol. Cogs is useless against Slark KappaPride. Normal skill K guys let's go


                                    Imo the best way to deal with a 1v1 slark is to max rocket, if u can get the edge before he hits level 6, then gj, but normally, slark wins the lane.


                                      @arin can you read? I wrote that I wouldn't even skill cogs against a solo slark. Just stats and battery assault. Lets see if you want to get near clock with that build...

                                      go away thanks

                                      you're the one who can't read apparently. i don't understand why are you arguing not only with us when we're far above you but you're even trying to help OP who's almost certainly better than you

                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                        default situation is when clock is spamming battery assault trying to keep slark low on mana, and slark is trying to harass clock with 2 points inassive in order to be able to trade hits succesfully, cz without stolen attributes clock's rightclicks are strong, not to mention battery assault. you dont skill rocket normally either.

                                        going for stats and/or skipping cogs is a nonsense.

                                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                          i think swiftending somewhere said that you don't want second point into passive ever even against something like tide or clock
                                          it's been like a year or two ago though


                                            against tide you might like even 4 of them, he cann't move.

                                            Against clock you don't want more than 2, cause he will move out of the lane.

                                            Mike Wazowski..!

                                              2-1-2 on slark seems fine aginst clock.. you dont need that bonus 50 damage on pounce or the 4 second reduced Cd on pounce..

                                              great expectations

                                                cant he farm ancients lol


                                                  why would he farm ancients if he could solo lane against slark, which boths gives him more farm, and kinda decreases enemy's maincarry farm


                                                    clock is stronger in killing people and less farm dependant than tide, and his laning stage is weaker, too

                                                    great expectations

                                                      i mean like he can get level 5 of the 1v1 then go clear his ancient stacks or whatnot
                                                      then later on its probably going to be like tide + 2-3 ppl pushing your safe lane tower etc, so the 3rd and4th points of essence is not needed

                                                      Mike Wazowski..!

                                                        from where did tide come in here??


                                                          why do u want to leave lane at level 5 to clear ancient stacks if
                                                          -you get enough farm on the lane
                                                          -enemy carry cant contest ur stacks cz slark is not very good in killing ancients, and ull get them later anyways


                                                            its like you are freefarming the lane as sven against nyx, and all of a sudden u just move to jungle for no reason leaving freefarm to ur opponent and decreasing ur own gpm


                                                              Relating back to the original question.
                                                              Clockwork can easily lane vs Slark 1on1.
                                                              You can use cogs offensively to steal slarks mana / block creep waves to enable easy deny / last hits giving you a level advantage and good farm for an offlane.
                                                              You are very unlikely to be able to kill slark if he is a good player, however if you do manage to drain enough mana to prevent him being able to escape then a kill is possible.
                                                              Mainly you should aim to get levels / deny as much farm as possible then roam the to pick off kills and enable your other lanes to get farm. You ultimately need to secure your mid / HC map position in mid game to prevent Slark being a menace late game.


                                                                cant see any hard time for clock to solo any carry .. clock if my favor hero last time, just be agreesive to zone carry out of creep when he alone , u telling clock having hard time vs slark im like @@

                                                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                  hahahahaa.. just read all the comment , i would say some1 is genius enug to skip cog ... stats+battery assault? u maybe donno cog can use to harrass and escape / placing a nice gank for ur team ... and although slark can jump , there are many ways useful for cog too ... u can block him from last hit , wait his pounce is used then cog ? or u can even cog him when he got pounce ... just stick him, possibly he can pounce u... besides, i do build arcane for skill spaming to harrass, farm and scout ... clock is the strongest solo offlaner

                                                                  Mike Wazowski..!

                                                                    He is Normal Skill.. Please ignore him.. He even gave me a link to a video which disproved what he said..


                                                             ... watch ard 10.20 and i stop watching .. storm fly and skill creep , cw cant even response faster ? 7.1k mmr ... LOL~ beside, that cw is really really bad ... 1v1 slark , being defensive and let slark farm all the creep ...