General Discussion

General DiscussionMost efficient way to raise my MMR

Most efficient way to raise my MMR in General Discussion

    How does one go about raising their MMR? I've been stuck at 3.2k for forever now and I have the longest losing streak I have ever had with this game(5.2k hours). Seems like no matter what I pick or what I do, I end up losing. Before you look at me specifically in my recent games, look at the rest of my team and their contribution to the game. I'm done ranting about that crap because its getting me nowhere, I'm forever cursed with a bad team(the majority of the time).

    How do I raise my MMR?

    Mike Wazowski..!

      Valve really has something against you, to give you a bad team every time right? That's really fucked up.. If you think your team is holding you down in every game then you probably are holding your team down.. Try to always pick last, and fill the void your team has, be it a support or a counter initiator or a stun or something..


        I always try to do that, watch my games if you don't believe me. Like last night, I picked pudge to apply pressure on their safelane and it worked, I forced them out of lane. All was going well, then our mid SF decided to try and outfarm their 3 carries instead of pushing, and failed. And our SUPPORT ES, picked last, rushed shivas/linkens. 0 wards all game, I bought every single ward and sentry when they came off cd, so as a result, I didn't have anything and was pretty much useless. He however, was A LOT more useless with 0 contribution for the team besides taking our carries' farm. Our DK got owned in lane because again, that ES was useless. So when you have a chain of events like these, you're bound to lose games, like me.


          Why do you want to raise your MMR if you are already losing games consistently at your own MMR?

          This would just result in even more losses due to playing against higher skilled players than yourself. Either you enjoy playing well matched games, or you enjoy losing every game and having a bigger number to look at until you inevitably lose it anyway.

          Sure, you could be the one single guy whom valve has decided to give the black spot and curse with terrible teammates, but the more likely circumstance is that you are matched appropriately with the majority of these players.

          They might be having a bad day, but so might you. Review your matches, see where you went wrong objectively. "Muh teammates" is an excuse for a few games sure, maybe even one losing streak. But you consistently fail to raise yourself above your current MMR, which would imply a lack of ability on your own part to do so.

          Seek out a coach, a mentor, someone you know is much better than you and listen to them. Watch videos instead of playing game after game learning nothing. If you repeat the same mistakes over and over without end without feedback, how do you expect to learn?

          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
          Tomicent of Scarlet Aeonia

            You have to play 1 or 2 ranked games, if you win both, stop playing, and try again next day, at the same way if you loss.
            When you lose a game you tend to play with a bad attitude and self esteem.


              @Torin, watch any of the games I've lost. I try my very best every game I play, but there's always atleast this 1 weak link that messes everything up. When I tell them to stop feeding, they say "You take this game too seriously, or who cares, its just a game". Nothing I hate more than those 2 excuses for sucking ass at the game. If you want to troll, go play bots, I don't have time for your shit. Like that game I played Ursa, I think I did pretty well, but again, there's always that one guy. Centaur was "that guy" in that game, I told him to pick another hero for mid instead of storm, he picks cent and literally says "fuck it". Here we are losing at the end because he was utterly useless. I don't just call out ppl's mistakes, I acknowledge my own. I can point out who's fault it is for every loss, including if it was my own fault, I don't hold back from owning up to it. I have enough games played to know that Dota was never filled with so many trolls like it is now. All kinds, I always use all of my reports, from feeders, to afkers and trolls, to ragers.
              I really don't care what this cursed MMR says about my skill, I have 4800 games played, and I can't be told that these idiots with 900 wins i play with have the same skill.

              Matchmaking in this game is absolutely horrific. If someone just started playing gets placed in 3k MMR with just a few games, and then I'll have to deal with him on my team, that is just plain not fair.


                ovjectively the best way to rise mmr is to be good (lol)



                  Narrow it down to your most successful heroes; which would appear to be Drow Ranger, Slardar, and Ursa. Play those more frequently. If your only goal is to reach a higher MMR so that you can play with more skilled opponents and teammates, that will be the most efficient way to do so. Though I will warn you that once you in fact reach a higher MMR doing that, you will likely get stomped playing anything but your absolute best heroes.

                  Based on your profile, I would stop playing Invoker if you plan on winning. It's understandable, some heroes are just fun to play. But don't be surprised when you don't win if you keep playing them despite your past record.

                  I will say however that even if you did manage to raise your MMR enough to play in High Skill/VHS you will not suddenly find that players have somehow become more intelligent or better at communication. The only way to ensure that you play with competent non carcinogenic people is to play with friends at your own skill level frequently. This is the best advice I can offer. When you find a player you enjoyed playing with, add him and ask to party up. Be outgoing or expect to be alone in a sea of garbage.


                    Best way to raise mmr at 3k? Spam mid hero dude and be good. When I was in 3k I only spam mid hero like qop or invo coz if you own mid u can easily roll other lanes and win the game. Most importantly try to convince ur team that u need to end fast always when there is a chance to push go push dont farm just push.


                      Im close to 4k now