General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy i always must carry shit tier games - MMR 2,8K (after losing str...

Why i always must carry shit tier games - MMR 2,8K (after losing streak) in General Discussion

    Hi, i am enjoying games playing as support, but i am probably cursed and i mostly get to my team shit mid and carries. When i don´t play mid, game usually ended with huge rape. I am also struggling with carry noobs with terrible build and 350 average gpm. Is it really bad luck or do you think, that this is normal in this tier. I have very often opponents who can farm and carry very well. You can look at my last games. I want to be also carry by someone else....This is starting to be really disappointing.
    I don´t think that i belong to this shit tier. At least i should be in high skill.


      Look at your Toxic MMR and that might tell you something.
      Open console, enter developer 1. Then Dota_game_account_debug
      It's somewhere towards the bottom. If it's under 7k, you're just as an asshole.

      Other than that, climbing usually requires you to be the carry if you're truly better. Or at least make a lot of impact on the map so your team can win. Your team is generally only as good as the enemy's team. Sometimes hero picks are the difference. Even in Normal skill.

      Don't feed me your bullshit that you're better than you are. Even you are, you aren't 3.2k+ worthy. Git gud.


        i am playing dota 2 3 months....did you at least try to look at my games or stats ? Probably not. I don´t need comments like this "Get Gud"


          If you are convinced that you are better than the majority of your team mates, than definitely you should play a core like midder, but if you have doubts about that and you are a btter support than a core, that just grind as a support, you will have better results than if you switch positions.


            rising mmr by going mid is for scrubs

            Also dont ever support, you never win


              the meta is rough for supports cause you have cores like lone druid w/ radiance and OD that just wreck you.

              i'd recommend just going greedy earthshaker w/ tranquils soul ring. soul ring lets you farm jungle and take advantage of waves quickly so you can get blink, and then the game is just about positioning.

              if you don't do that, you have to pick big impact heroes. i have like 40% win rate as lion at 4.5k cause i never have space as support to farm blink, and hard 5 lion is just bad. i probably should go aether, but i'm a retard.


                i want to support, but if you see scrubs in your team how they can´t last hit and they complete first item in 30 min, you can´t win. So i am trying to play some hero, who has strong push potential (like warlock) to give my scrub carry at least change to get some items. But sometimes it will not help at all. Only chance to play some high impact mid heroes to little bit influence the game.

                I am usually playing support when i see in loading screen, that somebody can at least last hit and have bigger average GPM, XPM.