General Discussion

General DiscussionOmni hv 60.59%winrate

Omni hv 60.59%winrate in General Discussion

    and ppl nvr say to nerf him ...


      People do say he needs a nerf but at lower MMR people don't understand how strong he is and mainly get upset by strong carries killing them. Rather than OMNI's free bkb / ultimate of shit we need to run away...


        he doesnt need a nerf lmao

        he's easy to play around and is punish with proper lineups


          He has highest winrate in all skill brackets and even at 5k+ he still has 56.7% wins even when he is counter picked so evidently yes he needs a nerf in the new patch. Any hero that is consistently that strong will need to be nerfed nami mid.....

          lm ao



              LoL, he would need a nerf if he would be instapicked in pro-games, but there he is useless crap, easy to counter, so he will never get a nerf just for pub satisfaction.


                He is easy to counter if you are good, that is why valve doesn't care about nerfing him, they only care about pro scene.


                  i don c how easy he to be counter ... he is not the carry and u focus to counter a support? he is the strongest support with op repel ... max repel 12 sec cd 14sec ... how come he don deserve a nerf .... valve need to balance it like reduce its repel duration, just like a permanent bkb


                    Difussal blade.


                      @wolf he is easily focused to force him to waste abilities on himself. He is also vulnerable to silences and disables. Even when he has used his ult the enemies can be purged by a diffusal, purge creep or other similar abilities. If his spells are on cooldown he is useless. Omni is not bad at all, but he can be countered.


                        maybe a rework


                          why invoker with around 50% winrate and so many ppl cried for nerf?already nerfed few times tho :L


                            coz invoker is getting firstpicked every game and countered as well but win rate still 50
                            same with od

                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                              I can counter him with my support naga diffusal build lol


                                he is strong because people are retarded and don't buy diffusal even at 5k


                                  Guys please all heroes that are strong get put in the dumpster when new patches come out. Omni is definitely a good hero, why isn't he a dumpster hero for a few patches? Same with abbadon, that hero is just in your face irritating why can't they just make those heroes bad for a while. I keep flaming siractionslacks but he's played 865 omni games and that hero has never been made bad in all that time. Omni has a 12sec bkb on a 14sec cooldown?? Blow all your diffusal charges on omni


                                    the thing is u can make a hero almost useless by investing in a diffusal blade -> 4.5 vs 5

                                    Fee Too Pee

                                      sureee OD is 50 percent ish winrate . but killing everyone 20 + kills everymatch i will not say it balanced mate. huskar winrate 6.85 is 47 percent ish but still get nerf because the ridicilous magical resistance in magic damage meta. so yea winrate means nothing in some situation

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        I think degen aura needs a slight nerf, maybe 8/15/22/27 instead of 10/18/26/34. And repel needs a longer cd or shorter duration, something like 20s cd or duration is 5/6/7/8.


                                          sure he can be counter but it draw ur focus much on him ... if he is decent its not ez to be kill + he still got teammate n he is not the core ... early game he own..thats y he got 60% winrate .. best supporter ever ... still too OP permanent bkb

                                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                            He get's noticed when people discovered that this hero makes the overpowered OD even more broken, and benefits a lot from OD's aura.
                                            Before this patch he is the last couple heros in pick rate, and in 6.86 he is 30ish, with NO change from 6.85.

                                            Player 175043649

                                              nerf OD and omni is fine as he is, perma bkb + ez hits on OD is fucking op

                                              Johnny Rico

                                                if he ults just back off, if he uses his bkb he cant heal, so he is easier to kill, since he isnt that tanky.


                                                  he is just a supporter , he can buy lots of utility like eul,ghost,force,blink,cape .. cheap stuff but useful to avoid dead n micro play..
                                                  with nice position he is very hard to kill and his teammate will do their job while he hv their back...
                                                  if he ulti just back off - so he open ulti to scared u off? normally he use ulti when teammate engage and when u back off sure few of ur teammate is chopped and left nobody for def, if u fight u cant kill a single hero without magical dmg(unless u hv od)

                                                  Johnny Rico

                                                    lone_wolf just see it like a medusa ult, most onmi's ult on the start of a teamfight specially when they are defending.

                                                    el niño peruano

                                                      alright boys go talk shit somewhere else

                                                      House Cat

                                                        Omni is actually fun. He's the hero that makes me laugh the most because of his lines and brave and serious looks. FOR JUSTICEEE! I BRING THE LIGHT. It's also fun sneaking around on low hp melee heroes and healing the creep next to them haha

                                                        Mr Perspective

                                                          im not an omni player but think he's at an ok spot, he has his limitations, no stun is one of them. tbh i feel that ppl want to nerf omni cause they know they will nvr play the hero but dont want to face it, same with abba and the high win rate is cause ppl dnk how to play agst him since he gets picked so infrequently.


                                                            I don't think Omni or Abaddon will get major nerfs until theyre played competitively. And they wont be played in pro games as long as they're considered supports because they are melee heroes with little ability to zone or control a lane and they're terrible gankers. If they were made into offlaners they might be picked more often in pro games and then they would get nerfs. Just my 2 cents worth.


                                                              he's really not difficult to play against if you aren't retarded - and everyone knows how to - people just don't want to have to deal with him like Mr Perspective said.


                                                                Omni is fine...

                                                                P.S. And I like his lines too.