General Discussion

General DiscussionTake care of your health and your body lads

Take care of your health and your body lads in General Discussion

    Eliminate everything that puts your health and well being in danger, so you dont have to fight with the shit i've been dealing with since i had ruptured appendix few months ago.

    I honestly hope you guys have better health care in your countries than i do and doctors actually listen to you and try to cure you within their best efforts. Cause i honestly dont know what more should i do, where to go and how to deal with all that stuff. I've been to specialists/doctors 5-6 times already, countless hours trying to find the cause of the problems, but they cured nothing.

    Inflammations of all sort, lately kidney inflammation, possible problems with heart and other organs because of bacteria blood infection.

    LOVE YOURSELF GUYS AND TRY TO DO EVERYTHING IN YOUR POWER TO REMAIN HEALTHY AND AVOID HOSPITALS BY ALL COST. I wish you all the health in the world, stay with me in your minds please to get well soon.

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    D the Superior
      이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

        Peace out man, and get well soon !


          Ty boys. I'm waiting in the hospital for results atm, i can hardly sit. I trully hope they find what's wrong with me and help me.

          lm ao



              Btw, try to exercise as often as possible, like daily, that will keep u much healthier.

              waku waku

                you should have probably ran like hell the moment you've seen bloodseeker
                wait, that would only make it worse ok idk i guess you'd be fucked either way

                lm ao

                  get well soon pal


                    Good luck dude!


                      Hope for the best for you


                        Good luck
                        My parents are doctors here(Germany) and say the most important thing is that you believe in becoming healthy :)


                          Dani bro, nadam se da ces biti ok, brzo nam ozdravi. <3


                            Puno hvala brate! <3 I'm doing every single thing that is in my power to find the cause of my problems. Just keep sending me good energy, i will surely need it if i wanna survive that shit and get well.

                              이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.
                              Dire Wolf

                                uh appendix rupturing is a random occurrence, I don't think it's preventable by living more healthy.


                                  wow, keep fighting just like u fight for mmr, gl, get well ni99a :d


                                    That really sucks man. We pray that you will get through with it as soon as possible. I too have encountered some illness in my body, that's why I started taking supplements immediately just to preserve my wellness.

                                    Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                      how did u get a ruptured appendix? you talk like you could've prevented this from happening

                                      Johnny Rico

                                        Guys Stop playing doto and fuck some bitches, with a condom, so you dont have to take care of children.


                                          ): sorry man

                                          pura pura

                                            go pick slark or buy bkb ffs, or go purge it with diffusal, no need for WD


                                              I wish you successful and fast recovery bro, take the best care and stay safe! Gotta report those doctors ccc... :/


                                                i think i have lung cancer or some shit but i've been to the docs and spent like 100$ on meds like 4 times and nothing helped (and in my country thats a shit ton of monye) and im fine now lolz but i never knew what i had and it never went away cuz of meds

                                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                  Yeah mental health is also important. So, for your own good, you should quit Dota people.

                                                  acc buyers in my team

                                                    what the fuck.

                                                    Get your appendix removed, take antibiotics and you should get well again. Thefuck is going on in your country

                                                    How the fuck didn't your doctors remove the appendix before it ruptured.

                                                    and as already stated before:
                                                    It doesn't matter if you live healthy or not, your appendix getting ruptured is something you cannot prevent, it either happens or not.

                                                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                      3rd world problems or American


                                                        @Deadweight - Take care buddy, God bless you. Hoping for the best!!


                                                          Honestly thank to you all. Yes, it's hard to prevent appendix not to rupture when it's inflamed, especially cause it happened so quick in my case. But it's possible if you're able to recognize it and fix the constipation problem in time, which is the main cause for the appendicitis. Anyway - i was on super strong antibiotics after surgery for 12 days, was mostly recovering well for like 2 months withouth bigger problems, eating healthy and taking all of the best supplements i could get to help me recover asap. And now for month and a half all the shit that obviously wasn't cured fully came up and is putting me in the emergency almost once per week, where they cant find real cause .

                                                          I'm not afraid to fight the dissease, i just genuinely want to know what the cause of my problems and get well. I really wished diagnostics in our country was on better level, although we're 38 on the WHO list. I also wish doctors would listen more to the patients, since they know their body best.

                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                            what country? also constipation leads to appendicitus? huh? I have never heard that before


                                                              I'm from Slovenia. You usually get diarhea first and if it get's bad also complete constipation which leads to collon stuff not moving normally anymore and then bacterias which are not supposed to enter appendix and cause appendicitis. If situation stays that way for few days and appendix is fully closed and inflamed it can cause appendix to burst and then you got some serious problems my friend.

                                                              Some are lucky enough that situation reverse, some not. I just hope they find what's causing me life threathening problems.

                                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                I had the same problem actually. And the fucking doctors didn't even realize the problem until MUCH later and I had to live intense pain for days. Then FINALLY there was a proper doctor and I had to undergo a surgery. Still have the mark btw.


                                                                  Did your appendix rupture also? How long back was it and how long did it take you to fully recover?


                                                                    sucks to be you

                                                                    thanks to denial i am immortal

                                                                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                                    Not Trying!

                                                                      Get well soon bro.. sucks when u feel like u have no control over whats happening to ur body.. But.. as long as u want to fight it.. u will be able to..

                                                                      Keep ur head straight and dont give in!

                                                                      U will get well soon and continue wrecking noobs!

                                                                      Peace out man..

                                                                      you all cant carry me

                                                                        GET WELL SOON!!


                                                                          Thank you boys, much love to you all. I'm gonna keep fighting till i'm fuckin dead, they wont get rid of me that easily.