General Discussion

General DiscussionThat moment when you just threw a game

That moment when you just threw a game in General Discussion

    FEELS BAD MAN. Just threw a game where I went 26-5 Anti Mage one mistake led to a troll and enigma killing me and then troll ult destroyed our base in the span of 30 seconds

    stupid fuck 2000

      Happened to me multiple times but the most tilting one was when i was playing as ember in one of those long ass 1 hour matches where all you can do is split push and press W. We would've won had I not run like an idiot into a necro who still had ulti while my linken's was on cooldown. I actually stopped playing dota for a few days after that one.


        Where i throw 2 rapira. Yolo right

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          Feels SadMan...