General Discussion

General DiscussionTried the Vanguard/Radiance Void build

Tried the Vanguard/Radiance Void build in General Discussion

    I tried and I failed. I do blame myself to an extent, but not all my fault. I was laning against a WD and Silencer offlane with infinite mana from CM, so they were REALLY aggressive. So they just spammed the shit out of me and they ganked me atleast 4-5 times early game. My problem with that is, while i'm not farming and getting pressured, our dk/mag offlane failed their lane, and as a result, jugg was unstoppable. I simply could not do anything despite me having *decent* farm, he was always ahead because he free farmed.

    Besides that, I think we could have easily won, but jugg was too fat for me or gyro to do anything.
    PLUS++ That silencer pick fucked us up pretty bad, they would deward > smoke in and pop silencer ult before we could do anything, so that sucked too lol

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      u need to think about what ur lane opponents are and what are the picks overall when u choose your pick and build. safelane carry void with vg and tadiance in this scenario is literally one of the worst moves.


        Yeah I know, I picked too early, just really wanted to try the build lol
        I was doing fine, but jugg was doing a lot better, like he almost had twice the overall gold

        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

          I tried a couple of times myself, can't seem to do it either. I just get shut down, denied farm which really delays that radiance, its your first damage item so you need it fast, if I get shut down we lose in 35 mins and I've still got relic

          Dire Wolf

            wait til they pick a melee core and then go offlane. you will be unkillable. I've fought void as a jug, a really strong laner, and fucking lost once support leaves. He just blinks out of blade fury and if you trade hits he'll blink away and negate the dmg so he just chips you down slowly til he can ult and kill you. Void should crush a spectre lane right now unless it's trilane.