General Discussion

General Discussionthe first 12 minutes as tinker

the first 12 minutes as tinker in General Discussion

    What is the most ideal tinker playstyle route to take at this crucial stage?

    Is it still worth going laser-missile at this meta? Or should you prioritize farming mid and stacking-clearing jungle for a fast BOT? If team bugs you so much to gank lanes, do you do exactly that, knowing ganks sometimes go wrong, or do you stick to your lane and ignore all the whining until you finish your initial core items?


      Also my cousin who plays on low 4k vhs says he recently faced a tinker with a blademail and it's actually good. could this be a legit strat? I mean, you have your BM NP, why not BM tinker? Progressing towards tanky, center-posting items like bloodstone, shiva's, an aghs maybe, lotus orb, scythe etc.


        I'm no tinker expert but why would you get bm on this guy? xD


          yea bm is good if they have people who can jump you combined with bs bulk


            BM ON SNIPER!

            TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

              Perma-"stop hitting yourself" meta, I guess?

              TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                Let me find that game on his profile

                Edit: screw that, he plays too many games and I cant find that specific game

                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                  think u still go the old march tinker, except that i would skip soul ring on radiant cos the jungle layout is really bad

                  TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                    ^also jungle creeps are quite buffed now against magic damage.

                    Your Wife's Boyfriend

                      Well I think my tinker is pretty decent, still far from the best tinkers tho. I prefer laser and rocket build, it makes great impact in the early game, most of the games you are not able to farm much with march in the early game and there won't be a support stacking camps for you. Also I started building aghs instead of the old dagon ethereal burst tinker. Never heard of blademail, but glimmer works quite well. Scythe is very good but i feel that its not good enough in this meta, since you cant get very close to their team in fights, so bloodstone and rocket spam is sometimes the better option but that still depends on the pick and the kind of game you are playing. Skipping soulring on tinker makes the hero useless, don't do that.

                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                        i meant skipping soul ring and getting travels first, after travels u definitely get soul ring

                        TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                          @David, what if you fail to net successful ganks with that build and end up with a delayed blink dagger?

                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                            the only build that work 100% of the time if you are decent is the max march farming build

                            TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                              ^do you pull your own stacks? And how often? When do you try to clear them? Or should you stack at all?


                                im not a tinker player but i can tell you that you should stack your woods if noone is willing to.
                                and you take them when you have at least 3lvl march and soulring i think


                                  ofc ideally would be some cm stacking and then u just go and clear them but in pubs not every game someone will want to stack for you


                                    this guys a tinker/storm/invoker player
                                    he calibrates and boosts i think, you can watch his tinker , hes around 6k


                                      and ofc just adapt build on game, if you can get the kill in mid get that +1 level in rocket, if ur against od get that +1laser etc

                                      TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                                        I'm soooo excited to get on my pc and check out his stream. Plus points if he also does in-depth commentaries to explain his thought process while playing.

                                        Your Wife's Boyfriend

                                          Well, idk, ur blink dagger should be like 15 min into the game with this build, its rarely delayed with more than 5 mins. Going max march is a risk especially vs a ganking line up. Always prefer the pub stomping laser rocket build with ult lvl 9 most of the time. Ofc in a serious game you probably go march and try to farm as much as possible avoiding teamfights early game but since this hero is not rly in the meta there is no point of discussing his competitive builds. You will have higher winrate in solo queue playing with laser rocket especially in low and average games and since that pub games even in high mmr bracket are really low lvl you are probably going to have 55%+ winrate with this build so your mmr is going to increase.


                                            @captains mode, he does analyze his gameplay, but its in russian )

                                              이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.
                                              TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                                                @forsvunnen, dang it. Guess I will have to interpret his plays with my normal-skill understanding then.


                                                  advice from noob here. i love to maxed 1 2 cuz a high burst dmg. just need to gank at any line at lvl 4 and got and ez kill. 15 mins u can get a talisman + bottle + soul + travel

                                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                    ^ The higher u get in brackets, the more important march build becomes, since people have better positioning. IMO zeus with just veil will do almost the same, but better.

                                                    Also Tinker keeps the lane pushed, leaving your carry with less farm and being more vulnerable to ganks while attempting to farm creep waves.


                                                      max march is super passive and if you fuck up jungle stacks you are useless
                                                      with recent nerfs to jungle camps you cant even farm 2 camps with march on radiant

                                                      while max laser rocket is medium risk high reward imo, your laning is stronger and it's really easy to get kills with it


                                                        thats why i come up with 1 2. early game the gameplay should be tp on other lane and do burst dmg on a low hp enemy. lucky if its ded or letur friend on line finish him, and do rearm and laser on the ranged creeps, fly away, repeat. and at late team should be sticking on the selected one and let tinker push other lane, simple game. u can see on mah games that my tink only come up with < 100 cs. just a noob game thing ofc.

                                                        TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                                                          By my experience if you don't get the kills you hope to get with laser-missile buils, you would have a hard time progressing your items. At best, when the game starts taking a really passive pace, you would be caught economically off-guard with not enough skill points in march. on the other hand, if you invested in march it wouldn't be that too hard to catch up and keep your farming pace going. My go-to build for playing safe a little while back was max march first, next missile, rearm where appropiate and necessary, then a possible value point in laser to keep your opponent from last hitting mid. Going max march and stacking my own hard jungle still works, but I find the creeps to "chunky" to clear right away. At best maybe takes 3 lvl 4 marches. Idk


                                                            my first advice as a former tinker picker is do not pick this garbage hero

                                                            thank me later

                                                              이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

                                                                idk m8 u tell me

                                                                mom said it's my turn to ...

                                                                  i think stacking hard camps as mid tinker and clearing them yourself still works esp on radiant side, though i'm still quite not sure about dire side. I've been experimenting with stacking creeps on the offlane hardcamp but I cant quite get the timing for it. Tried 55 and 56 but they both dont work. Havent reviewed my replays yet but if i could pull this off im easily assured of 12 minutes soulring bottle BoT. Any thoughts?