General Discussion

General Discussionto the ones who are in charge of dbuff rankings

to the ones who are in charge of dbuff rankings in General Discussion

    afair there was a semi ban for abusers who used weird ways to get to dbuff tops, smthng like "this player is not eligible for hero rankings"
    top1 brood, 96% winrate, 100% share of party nmm games with the same people
    top13 np, 92% winrate, 100% share of party nmm games with the same group of people

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      so where is the abuse

      lm ao

        Wtf lol


          ^why are u asking me? u definetely know it better. im just an outsider.

          Dune, the Desert Planet

            There is a report button on the player profile page with option for these kinds of abuses.

            lm ao

              4Head im pretty sure every russoan i know is a charm abuser/stack abuser/lobby abuser for stats and challenges

              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
              me, government hooker

                party stacking is not abusing hello


                  im not very good in english, what verb should i use to refer to the action of achieving a non-representative winrate by intentionslly playing on a lower skill level?

                  lm ao

                    Fucking up

                    lm ao
                      이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.
                      me, government hooker

                        playing the game maybe idk
                        its not like they are bad either i remember playing against some top 1 brood with vrok stack 1 year ago (might not be the same guys cause we only played on russia) and he owned us


                          im not using the report button cz im not 100% sure it is actually ban wannable


                            he might be good, or he might be bad, but in any case his stats are irrelevant and not representative.
                            also i think vrok was abusing same kind of stuff with chris and other guys back then :D

                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                              honestly, since when has hero rankings ever meant shit.


                                ^welp, im using it to find some1 whose replays i can watch. its poorly organized, but usually ppl appearing there are not bad.

                                  이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

                                    check gosu gamers out for top players, and check their top heroes. Miracle is honestly best at doom rn though.


                                      gosugamers rankings are even worse, the only decent ones are the team rankings.


                                        Guys im 3,7k Solo and I have been on top 100 Medusa players without any abusing so stop give shit about this trash ladders


                                          i just go to gosu and check the top teams then their players then top heroes and their recents. normally it is a pretty good process. for instance brax has a good storm spirit from looking at top players then heroes then recents i can watch his last game in april.


                                            u were in the very bottom part of the rankings that no one ever opens


                                              see how fucking broken it is when 3k's can get on there xd

                                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                @danny boi
                                                the winrates there are biased to teams and not representative generally. not to mention pub dota of the current patch =/= comp dota of all time.


                                                  I was rank 60 or some shit but anyways3,7 k should Not be in any fucking ladder

                                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                    well if u want to claim that rankings are generally bad, its hard to argue about it. however, if u limit it to dismond 9-10 players that play ranked only and have okish winrate on a large sample of games, u can be pretty sure those ones are good.


                                                      Well i have 63 % winrate over 500 games and I play only ranked but still im shit... So what now?

                                                      Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                        They would mean a lot if professional division bonuses are lower and if only ranked matches were considered. I suggested some time ago that professional division should be removed and that pro players should get a separate ladder. For rankings on that ladder only ticketed games should be considered and weight of a performance should be based on difficulty (higher tier tournament = more points). Professionals should be allowed to appear on public hero ladder as well, but without any benefits.

                                                        As for ranked matches only, isn't this logical? Normal games are played in more casual environment which is displayed by a lack of any visible rankings. So why are normal games even considered? If they are?

                                                        This would solve the 5 men SA unranked stacks shitting on kids and Aui the greatest payer on every single hero ever. Don't wanna diss him or anything, guy has insane skill and is a TI champion but still...


                                                          i suppose u are not close to d10 division tho, considering u arent even 4k


                                                            im not very good in english, what verb should i use to refer to the action of achieving a non-representative winrate by intentionslly playing on a lower skill level?


                                                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                              Thanks Triple their accounts are ineligible for rankings

                                                              Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                Lawliepop be a buddy and tell me how far off I am from top 100 TA? I am not able to purchase + at the moment. This is a one time request ofcourse.


                                                                  ye, ?-_- posted it above, too, fuck aui.

                                                                  thanks for response

                                                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                    idk this is an incredibly stupid ban u didnt even identify any abuse except for playing on nmm and having high winrates


                                                                      how is playing normal mm on a stack a legit reason for a ban? what about u guys change ur stupid ranking system to something that doesnt allow this shit? ffs


                                                                        why is unranked even accounted for hero rankings, i dont even


                                                                          u know these guys, right? were they just aiming for dbuff rankings, or did they focus on getting charm predictions in the first place?

                                                                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                            i mean i myself know several methods people use to abuse winrates, but you should at least prove them




                                                                                no i dont know these ppl

                                                                                Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                                  You don't need to prove shit in cases like these. It is impossible to have those win rates and KDAs versus opponents who are even in skill. Having an inflated rating due to playing versus much lower silled opponents should make you illegible for hero rankings because your stats don't reflect your actual mastery of the hero.

                                                                                  Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                                                                                    @TripleSteal I agree with you, hero rankings is really stupid, because I saw some people in a Ladder below to DIamond in that ranking just by playing several times the same hero, including bad performance, low gpm, low kda, etc.
                                                                                    Also professional division should be apart from others like "?-_-" said.
                                                                                    If somebody at professional division plays 30 times with "x" hero, that guy probably could be in the top100.


                                                                                      @vohi8, did you watch any replays?
                                                                                      their teams are always similar during offpeak times. Their opponents are consistently the same people. Given the changes valve made to not recording matches with early abandons they likely have serial abandons for when they don't get match made against the premade. We take marking accounts as exploiters very seriously and don't do it on a whim.

                                                                                      @?-_- you're in the 200's so pretty close.


                                                                                        their teams are always similar during offpeak times. Their opponents are consistently the same people. Given the changes valve made to not recording matches with early abandons they likely have serial abandons for when they don't get match made against the premade. We take marking accounts as exploiters very seriously and don't do it on a whim.

                                                                                        yea then this evidence should have been provided by triplesteal or explained at least, because on the surface i just see the reason as being banned cos "insane high winrate in normal matchmaking" which is obviously dumb


                                                                                          why is unranked mm taken into consideration for hero rankings

                                                                                          why is unranked mm taken into consideration for hero rankings

                                                                                          why is unranked mm taken into consideration for hero rankings

                                                                                          why is unranked mm taken into consideration for hero rankings

                                                                                          Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                                            @Lawliepop, big thanks!!! Are you planning to redesign hero rankings? What do you think about my suggestions?


                                                                                              lol, why
                                                                                              am i the mod whos banning them or smthng?
                                                                                              i dont owe u anything, and dont have to provide explicit proof for their ban, cz im not the one to decide it. i dont even know whats the exact criteria for players to become ineligible for rankings. this thread was only a message to the staff members, and they might react according to their consideration.

                                                                                              Dune, the Desert Planet


                                                                                                Those kinds of stats are suspicious, users report and mods investigate.

                                                                                                me, government hooker

                                                                                                  no ur dumb because u wanted them to ban ppl because they had a high winrate in normal mm, which is not a reason to get banned for
                                                                                                  however if the replays tell they're actually abusing thats a reason they can get banned for


                                                                                                    ^im pretty sure u cant get 95% winrate on a large sample of games without abusing, considering the way MM is designed. the thought that they might be NOT abusers didnt even cross my mind.

                                                                                                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                                                      also i reviewed the stats for 15-20 of their matches to make sure that same players appear over and over again, b4 actually posting it.

                                                                                                      lm ao
