General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy Echo Saber is bad on PA.

Why Echo Saber is bad on PA. in General Discussion

    It does no damage.

    It's not 'cheap' as many people insist it is, you could get a basher for its price.

    The double attack is counted in her blink strike, meaning instead of hitting 4 attacks in 1.5 seconds, u hit 4 times in like 1.3 seconds, amazing difference.

    The cooldown on echo saber is the same as her blink strike, so basically you buy the item for a slightly faster blink strike everytime :)

    all the morons theorycrafting this on her without even using their tiny fucking brains fuck you fuck you FUCKING PA PICKERS IN MY 5K GAMES RUSHING THIS BULLSHIT


    ay fuck you get an aquila or go bfury

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      that's exactly what i thought
      i see echo PA in top mmr game but i see no sense

      pa's got even a built in slow


        Basher deals no damage too.

        Try new Diffusal instead.


          Basher is stil viable though atleast if you go into abysal


            Diffusal is very cost-efficient item now. Also you can think about it that way: each dagger you throw burns 40 mana from your target and if you jump in you can quickly burn remaining mana leaving victim helpless.


              ^d'ah... u just blink strike, drop ur item, attack, pick it up.

              Easy damage.


              PA saber indeed isn't optimal. I like the idea of diffuse on her though, combined with manta. Pretty good build against the Bloodthorn (?) aswell if that got picked up by someone.


                but you dont crit with diffusal lmao

                pa is pa because of her ability to burst down heroes, you dont build agi nor aspd on her because she scales most with damage thanks to blinkstrike negating the need for aspd

                yeah there are funny builds like mom or sny but honestly why pick pa if u want those items, get a slark or ursa


                  Why do u compare PA to Slark and Ursa? Only thing they share is that they are ADC.


                    arent pa crits pseudo random tho?


                      That extra damage from stun procs doesn't crit either. So... Basher gives you only 10 damage for 2700 gold.

                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                        how does a double attack rly matter for a passive with pseudo random distribution


                          honestly what hero do you buy this item on
                          i don't understand at all what icefrog meant by this


                            If only that double attack could proc from dagger (double dagger, lol)... Dreams...

                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                              It's fine on Naix I guess, and some other heroes like WK and maybe Tiny? I don't know, it's honestly a totally random item, I have no idea what Icefrog was thinking.


                                Double attack is great on Slark, so he can steal stats faster. Also I heard that it's good on Spirit Breaker and Tiny (because they have very slow attack), but haven't seen that yet, so I can't tell exactly.

                                ^Oh, yes, Lifestealer too! Makes sense...

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                                Miku Plays

                                  pretty decent on bloodseeker, you can land your blood rite easily. I think the 0.6 second move slow is the the main point of this item, its like you maim every 5 seconds, just my $0.02.


                                    what the hell are you on about, im saying pa is DIFFERENT from slark and ursa and stuff like manta/diff/sny/eos and whatever shit isnt good on her like it is on them and people wanting to theorycraft stuff shld just use those items on those herores instead

                                    and idk wat you're talking about triple

                                    @soultrap ya so both items give 10 dmg, which should i get, the useless echo sabre or an item that stuns thru bkb and can be built into smth later hmm


                                      I said that Basher is BAD and Echo Sabre is also BAD, but Diffusal is GOOD.

                                      Mc Kenzy

                                        copy envy's pa and all problem solved.


                                          i think i can see why it might be good but i still can't think of a situation where'd i'd buy it instead of other normal items

                                          Mc Kenzy

                                            every ppl has own playstyle
                                            if u dont like it just report

                                            Dire Wolf

                                              Troll fucking warlord friends. It's a good item but terrible on heroes who get limited number of attacks effects like PA and ursa. I don't know if it's good or bad on slark, he kinda does benefit a lot from the mana regen and if you skip aquila it's not that more expensive.




                                                  I don't know if I will ever build it honestly . If I want more attacks I'll buy a hyper stone instead and upgrade into a moon shart later .


                                                    Suppose slark could use it instead of an Aquila though .


                                                      its actually really costly for what it does


                                                        y do u need a slow on slark when u have pounce


                                                          Don't think Sven can use it since he runs out of item slots too fast . If it was upgradable into something else could be really great on Sven .


                                                            its upgradeable into ur mom ( ̄ل͜ ̄)


                                                              Maybe allow two Sabres to be combined for a triple hit and 1.2 second slow . I would build the shit out of that .




                                                                  echo sabre is really good on tiny

                                                                  BSJ. LGD

                                                                    Nice, Nami in low priority like he deserves.
                                                                    On topic,
                                                                    Echo sabre is definitely a str melee hero item, doesn't suck entirely on agi carries, its just that there are btr items.


                                                                      i feel no regrets destroying u on axe vape


                                                                        the item just costs too much imo even on str carries, why would u get this 2.6k~ thing over a blink on a tiny or armlet on ck

                                                                        maybe naix since drums is horrible now


                                                                          maybe as a snowballing item

                                                                          BSJ. LGD

                                                                            Who gives a shit, I was just chilling on a support hero and I'm pretty sure my cores were dogshit, id own u on a core easily. Plus even a brain dead team would win in ur teams hero comp vs mine

                                                                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                              wanna go 1 v 1


                                                                                after few games with echo saber i can confirm its not really good item in term of dps. just adds strength and gimmicky double attack (not really double, u can attack once, and then attack on other units , the 2nd attack will launch quick. in a sense its like overpowered charge in ursa.

                                                                                first 2 hit will apply 0.6 sec 100% MS and AS slow.