General Discussion

General Discussionthe life of an am picker in 6.87

the life of an am picker in 6.87 in General Discussion
\\  VintageR  \\

    does anybody is trying am in this patch, i think he is fking powerful, im serious.
    im starting to replace vlads for vanguard as usually some1 on my team gets one and vanguard has the same function of vlads, assure u will never go to base. Also wind lance is ridiculously good, that +20 ms makes am so good on early since u can abuse mana break so easily.
    i dont know man maybe im noob maybe it has alot of counters, but i do believe this patch benefits am alot, i like it so much.
    AND also ECHO SABRE on him is fking good honestly like, x2 mana burn, x2 cleave x2 possibilities of bash, is tooo much man, im jsut spammin am and for now it is working wonderful.
    someone should try my build on pubs and give me some credit, like,
    DUDE 1: yo is that your build mei'n
    DUDE 2: no, is from a guy callled ?
    DUDE 1: yo, thats op mei'n
    but honestly lets face it that never gonna happen


      Okay first of all I don't think that I am smarter or better than anybody here these are just mine general thoughs.
      Windlance fuck yeah
      Vanguard -> ab wait a moment..
      I think that am as a ridiculously fast farmer can ez bulid both mkb and HoT which he needs a lot and having abbysal as upgraded early game item just doesn't make any sense because am CAN ez have much better items so maybe if you have a crazy amount of money and you can sell abbysal later it maybe adds up.
      According echo sabre same think as above. It might be a good mid game item but what does really am need? Bf -> manta IF you can get it under idk 20-23 mins I think that the game is already won so why making echo if you can get moonshard? Why building echo if it slows down your butter? I don't know man I havent played am 6.87 but payed some other heros echo and I don't think that am is that much of a echo sabre core.
      I will try your build after my finals X.X maybe I will come back in here saying: Dudee your build is a fuckin killer but till then i will stick to classic am + windlance ))

      sin blyadi

        Main Vladimirs function was quickening splitpush actually lol. Morbid mask was even to keep u alive


          ^ yeah because lifesteal and mana burn stack


            "vanguard has the same function of vlads"

            sin blyadi

              U r VHS and dont know that the melee lane creeps dont have manapool?. Ancients and around half of the jungle creeps dont have aswell

              one syllable anglo-saxon

                Rly arin how can you not know that.

                You fucking retard.



                  Guys maybe something according to echo sabre or vanguard ?

                  stupid fuck 2000

                    I don't understand the point of echo sabre when AM already attacks insanely fast with no items.


                      @i'm fine
                      I can see one little pro form echo sabre it applies slow on the opponent but really sure if it's worth buying btw will it work with mana break ?

                      >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                        AM gets fucked by TB

                        >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                          :dac15_cool: wow these work here?


                            imo vanguard is much better than vlad
                            hot is trash now
                            abyssal gives you enough regen and hp


                              Blinking away and waiting couple of seconds to be full again isn't a thing anymore?

                              >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                @Steve97 Heart does suck now
                                Replace Heart with Abyssal


                                  I'd still build heart as one of 6 items unless I have to build a mkb.


                                    U r VHS and dont know that the melee lane creeps dont have manapool?. Ancients and around half of the jungle creeps dont have aswell

                                    you actually made me to turn on lobby to check if you get lifesteal on manaless creeps
                                    you don't.


                                      @Steve97 it's not worth it anymore
                                      u spend 10k gold for no damage

                                      i'd build daedalus or cuirass instead as 6th item


                                        Why cuirass if you have butter?

                                        [Senile] Good Grandpa

                                          You should definitely increase your last hits per minute and kda. 125 AM games and you have a record of 11 lhpm and 2.77 kda. That's kinda shitty tbh.


                                            why don't you think the other way? everyone is getting wind lance, making you have harder time to chase?

                                            Mao Xina

                                              am with phase boots and sny but no manta. sure pro am, how could u even be in vhs?


                                       just sharing hehe just normal scrub mmr game but echo sabre is bad if u want sure win and not just potato farm all game to get more than 10lh/min and blame team since u have the highest net worth on game :3

                                                Горилла мятная

                                                  Chill guys, abyssal now more for survive (40 dmg block, 450 hp) and control enemy (30 sec cd).
                                                  Sabre not for AM. Sad but true.
                                                  My itembuild now is TBoots, BF, Manta, Abyssal, Octarine/bkb, butterfly/mkb

                                                  Why octarine? Let's try to hit 2 and more enemy... U will see)

                                                  \\  VintageR  \\

                                                    To be honest is kinda true what good grandpa says, im pretty shitty lol
                                                    well but thats maybe because i prefer to be in teamfights and help early game instead of farmin and making more money than china
                                                    like if you are lvl 8, ur skillbuild is 3/3/1/1 and u have phase, vanguard and echo sabre he can be a killing machine without need of alot of farm u know. imagine u see a witch doctor near, u blink, attack, since to the slow u just made like 4 mana breaks , u blink a couple of times
                                                    and ur echo should be ready to double-attack again, with all that phisical dmg u just kill doctor without ulti, and with ulti u can kill a midder if u have the right teamfight


                                                      I tried vanguard bf twice but I still went for vlads xD but after that manta and abyssal

                                                      [Senile] Good Grandpa

                                                        The thing is AM doesn't have any stuns and is still pretty squishy even with vanguard and Echo sabre. All you really need to kill an AM in the early game are stuns/silences. AM is like alchemist, his strength lies in his ability to farm quicker than others and be six slotted before others can even get their bottles. By putting him in the safeland and giving him a ganking role you pretty much removes most of his strenght.

                                                        What you want to do is try and get a battlefury asap, farm a manta and then go kill/push while keeping up the farm. He needs to be played like a douchebag killstealer.


                                                          Is am the new gyro with vanguard, treads, orb of venom this patch ????