General Discussion

General Discussion3.9k Scrub HELP!

3.9k Scrub HELP! in General Discussion

    Hello, I am back to dota after about 1.5 years and a lot has changed. Is there anyone that wants to add me so we can practice (1v1 or party)

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      Play with bots. Hard ones

      King of Low Prio

        You can add me I'm 4.2k mmr and will probably be back playing soonish


          ^ you're only high skill how the hell you become 4k?

          Player 175043649

            @Calm your Teeths </3 im 4k too but unranked still got high skill


              I'm 4.2k and my unranked is high skill, so what? Lolz

              During time of afk-low prio I went 0-15 for like 50x games in a row, so I downgraded my unranked mmr