General Discussion

General Discussion4K Basket is the worst/toxic/cancer basket

4K Basket is the worst/toxic/cancer basket in General Discussion
Duc D - CatOnTheMoon

    Everyone thinks they are God-Given-Power-Super Player with EGO as high as a rocket. Game goes bad in 10min and everyone starts to blame and typing/talking non-stop instead of recovering the game. More mistakes happen and GG. Weak mentality. Can't stand criticism. It's always IT"S YOU NOT ME attitude.

    This few days there is not a single game that I don't mute someone in my team.


      It's worse in 3k, lol


        low 4k is trash, worse than 3k
        ur own attitude has a lot to do as well

        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

          i totally agree, currently calibrating right now 2 out of 10 games... 1st game i played troll, lost. 2nd game i played PA won... had a rough start 0-5 within the 1st 15 mins... and Wraith king flamed me the entire game, went safe lane top, facing necro and kotl... wk was in jungle entire time and not even helping...all he said was NOOB PA noob PA 0-5? gay PA... i mean yeah he can flame. but if you let yourself get affected by that then ur game has already been decided. but if u focus and try to get urself together u can still "comeback"... just mute them if they start flaming.. thats what i do.. :)


            uw ere probably unbeleiveably awful


              looking forward boosting through 4k again.


                TB starts the match with 10 armour. You do the math. How easy to cancer the lane.


                  Ya I agree 4ks have worst fukin attitude. Atleast 3ks know they are bad at dota and 5ks know they are horrible compared to 7ks /8ks even though they put a lot of time playing dota.!! 4ks actually think they are good at dota and are arrogant!

                  >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                    No, 2k is far worse. I've played in 4k games and it is pretty bad, but no where near 2k bracket toxicity.

                    If brackets of toxic had ranking it would go like this:

                    1k is the least toxic of all the brackets. There are toxic players in every bracket, but I notice 1k players kind of accept that they're bad, or if they're pretty good, they just play quietly until they get to mid 2k


                      actually 4k was a good bracket back in the years , but due to acc buying 4k bracket is now full of 2k bracket players

                      >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                        I've only played Dota since early 2014, and I played 4k on a friend's account for a few months in 2015 and it wasn't that bad. Yeah still plenty of flamers, toxic players, non-English speakers but that is in every bracket, naturally.
                        Account buying doesn't happen as often as people think, if that were true anyone with the free time could just spend hundreds of hours making multiple 4k accounts and sell them and profit.


                          agreed OP, few 4k players are created by a flaw calibration algorithm which can be done by carry player who only know how to farm efficiently without give a single fck to winning a single fcking game. ive partied with them multiple times with mah friends or when searched on local channels, and when some of them have dbuff profile omg 50% winrate and theres also under that. i also realize most of them gud at dota, pr but as OP said they have weak mentality

                          Happy Pill <3

                            You haven't experienced SEA. Regardless of bracket, you'll always get that peenoise mid spammer or that angry Indian that last picks juggernaut or AM into an all carry line up and gets mad at you for not warding.

                            >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                              I think the reason SEA is the most toxic server is because they lack stoners.
                              More stoners = more chill players


                                i think sea its pretty much calm, if u mute the text chat and voice chat of 9 other player at the beginning.

                                Your Wife's Boyfriend

                                  4k is bad

                                  but what you are saying is true also for 5k and probably above
                                  There is always the guy who ïnstant marks mid "im the best mid player ever"
                                  Saying he is 6k on his main or he is boosting someone
                                  90% of my solo games I'm literally forced to play support and there is at least 1 "I'm better than all of you together" type of guy
                                  and they always blame every single member of the team for the loss
                                  it's never their fault
                                  then you check his dotabuff profile and see 300 games with spec/od/zeus/invoker back in 6.86
                                  I know what you mean, but higher mmr wont save you from these players

                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                    for me there was like 4.4k or 4.5k barrier where ppl became significantly less toxic
                                    but i still flamed the shit out of noobs

                                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                      I noticed more toxic players starting around 3.7 k but I also encountering more nice players as well it's just the toxic ones are so loud and they cancel out two good players . Our team gets behind by one kill and these types of toxic players will give up . So I dunno I actaully prefer 3.5k games so far .


                                        Low 4k here .Can confirm 4k is the most toxic shit ever. Have been in every mmr range from 800 to 4.3k but never met a bracket with this much toxicity. Gets tilted so hard sometimes.


                                          i think u should mute people more often, when i play duo or something and i know im getting like <4.1k avg game i usually mute all chat

                                          Wise Man

                                            4k same like 3k.


                                              I dont really like to mute my teammates because u know communication but yea i kinda agree that its a lot better to mute someone and play ur own game rather than getting tilted and lose the game.


                                                But god 4k toxicity i just cant stand it. A guy was on a 5 match losing streak (playing wr) and i was playing wd his team won because of our 4 greedy cores strat. So he types "ez game" in all chat and i ask him does he trashtalks in his losing games too. His reaction was like i only lose because of lag, if i dont lag i will reach 5k in no time


                                                  4k same like 3k + + +

                                                  Wise Man

                                                    4k same like 3k.

                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                      after taking a long dota break I played on my girls 3k account to warm up and 3k bracket is 100x worse than 4k on my main. I was told CM is suppose to jungle all game because the stun is a jungle skill and aura is a waste of a skill point because you can just buy clarities for cheap. If you are 3k your pretty brain damaged :(


                                                        I played ranked before I knew what it was and not knowing how to play dota. Sub 1000 mmr is super fun. The toxic players are among the most in the entire game. Everyone claims to be a smurf, a god, or just likes telling everyone they are poor or suck and are nerds. Its too entertaining to leave.


                                                          problem with 4k is that it's still full of terrible players that think they are good at the game




                                                              I am literally 1mmr. The horror I have witnessed throughout my adventures would make a grown man cry.


                                                                I started to play this game few months ago (I play WoW mainly) and I have to say, that The most toxic are those players, that play first to fifth game, claiming that they have "high-rated" main accs, go mid, lose hard and flame whole time that we were losing because of me - and of course, sometimes it was, but there were several matches where I had bigger impact than those "5k players".
                                                                Needles to say, I quited this game after few matches and came back recently when WoW just turned to weird shit. And slowly climbing mmr brackets (I calibrated slightly under 2k), I see less and less toxic flamies "players" (I even get lots of commends and "I love our supp" when playing support).
                                                                Playing in Europe, so maybe this isn't truth in different regions.


                                                                  im created new account n start with vhs till now..
                                                                  hope willl get over 4.5 at least..

                                                                  older id 4k dropped to 3k till almost 2.9

                                                                  idk other srvr 4k gameplay is much better than sea.
                                                                  im playing sea n 4k just shit.
                                                                  worst than 3.8 which much more team oriented lineup.

                                                                  n yeah, 4k just act like they the best but ironically, just shit like 2k.
                                                                  just 2k still respecting each other and rarely got problem..unless u got peenoise in ur team.


                                                                    I have actually seen a 56 mmr guy (that got -25) queuing with mid 1k





                                                                          the bracket is quite toxic indeed but whenever i get to low 4k or even 3k i get incredibly furious at everyone for how awful they are so i rather stay in my own range


                                                                            It gets much better in the 4.5k+ parts. Low 4k is an autism fest, 30% of games are lost by 2 idiots going mid/safe because they are both "carry only". Its free MMR if the enemy team does it though so thats a plus.


                                                                              Lol it is in every bracket basically. And you can mute chat as well now..
                                                                              So when you don't mute a flamer it is because you are dumb or self destructive.


                                                                                I've boosted few 2k accounts and, honestly, there were a whole lot of good players. Not skill-wise, attitude-wise. Ofc it always took about 5 mins to persuade them I'm really 10000k and boosting, but after that they always were a good obedient minions.
                                                                                And 4k, really, is bad, but not so often. Most of my games I get adequate teammates, that at least are trying.


                                                                                  1k best to play in 3k and above think they are gods ....will start feedin if they dont get mid or 2 tangos


                                                                                    3k 4k are easy for 5k players, you can 1v9 all the time and still win 70% of the games.

                                                                                    Player 215168758

                                                                                      ^new phantom riki detected :DDD


                                                                                        help me too


                                                                                          @zDonFrank, im sorry m8, but your statement is simply ultra-retarded. There are plenty of tryhards in every bracket that will make it very very hard even for a superior (+1k mmr guy) to win.


                                                                                            Played a party queue game a few weeks back. Average was just under 4k, like 3995 or something.

                                                                                            Safelane is a spectre. Has a tough lane because he has a Kotl support (wtf kotl/spectre lane...4k) against slardar/enchantress so gets no farm - 13 cs at 10 minutes.

                                                                                            Rushes straight up brown boots radiance. We are losing fights since they have such a good early and mid and late game and my friend picked earth spirit and is terrible (I've lost every game he picked earth spirit). I was crushing the PA top as Clinkz by removing all her health with arrows, but then when the lane pushed into their tower my friend rolled in, missed his roll and I had to run in to help him which made me tank about 4 tower shots and basically burned through all my regen, from that point on the support Jakiro and dagger spam meant I wasn't able to zone the PA out of the lane any more.

                                                                                            Anyway because of that and a fucking terrible gank at top where the mid and support attacked when the creep wave was at our tower and right as I was going to the offlane big camp to get a creep since I had just reached level 6 so then I'm running to catch up when the gank occurs...Kotl/Invoker/Earth Spirit go on PA/Jakiro , nobody focuses her and she runs away on like 100 hp, Earth Spirit dies, I try to chase after her, end up dying to the tower and those heroes since nobody follows me in the dive, so a 4 man rotation results in no deaths for the enemy and two of us dying, and these players are apparently fucking 4k.

                                                                                            After that PA gets massive, just dives on me etc whenever she or the slark sees me and I get blown up in 2 hits. I end up going like 4-14-3 by the end of the game since the PA just jumps on me at the very start of the fight. I can guarantee you if I was the PA against a clinkz in my solo ranked I wouldn't have the enemy Earth Spirit rolling under the tower and tanking tower shots, I would just be completely zoned out by the clinkz like I would have been able to do if my friend hadn't done that, plus 3.4k players know how to fucking focus down a hero in a gank and 4v2 ganks don't result in 2 of the enemy heroes dying and the one hero getting away.

                                                                                            Anyway after we then start losing the midgame I suggest to spectre that getting treads, drums and an aquila and joining fights to help come back would be more useful that rushing straight radiance - since after all it's the early game fighting build popularised by badman which led to Spectre's popularity/dominance.

                                                                                            Butthurt spectre instantly types "muted" into chat when that was the first thing I said to them all game.


                                                                                            Just my experience of the 4k shitstains.