I guess its not that bad vs range lineups?
Like his field is so shit now. Other spells are same. Dno. Woulndt play it as a carry thats for certain.
Nah he was just terribly op previously
push out lanes just as you would against antimage
wow suddenly arc does nothing since he barely gets to the tower during double's duration
buy a mkb on your rightclick carry
wow suddenly arc does nothing because you two shot him thanks to his shitty stat gain
fucking reddit
i'm pretty sure he got nerfed just because of 2k shitters complaining about the rapier build which was awful anyway
hehe let's let the carry uncontested farm for 40 minutes when he has double midas, gee i wonder what will happen
oh no we didn't realise during whole early and mid game that we're playing 4v5 and accomplishing nothing, how could we lose
Arin! Don't give up! cough*
The answer is simple, someone stated it above, people in 5K+ Dota actually have some clue what they're doing, especially with a hero that takes skill. Meanwhile, in lower brackets, people are still spamming their easy legion commander, PA, ect, and staying far away from heroes that take any sort of thought process or micro.
Arin! Dont give up! Youll have a nice jussi pu$$i to enjoy soon enough
Arin! Lol!
Arin! Dondé esta Santa Claus?
>wow suddenly arc does nothing since he barely gets to the tower during double's duration
That actually isn't true. I've always used my necros to tp to any building I please :)
>i'm pretty sure he got nerfed just because of 2k shitters complaining about the rapier build which was awful anyway
i agree
you needed to keep a lane pushed and he never gets to your base
even if he does you'll have at least a mkb carry
it required 30 min of farming to have 50% downtime on ult anyway and be afk in base for half of the game
Divine arc build only worked when your team were already winning. So it was just bad anyway. He had around %38 avarage winrate back then. I think valve thought it was too much for this trash hero and nerfed him even more. Now he has %36 winrate
No one is sure what hes good at. A carry? A support?(2 arcane boots 2 meka 2 sheepstick sounds awesome) i believe he belongs to mid now his nuking abilities got buffed a little. 2 dagon 2 etheral is very deadly now i had great games with this build
Divine arc was super op lol he didn't care about backdoor and there are not so many carries that can get rid of him quickly enough even with MKB. This shit could win games 1 vs 5. "Pushing all lanes out" is just textdoto answer that's how you counter any sort of splitpush and he had a decent waveclear because he could one shot creeps and basically kill 2 waves with blink.
Still Icefrog is a huge retard for just fucking killing this hero.
@Devestation if your carry fails to kill arc with mkb then he is the reason you lost the game. Not because divine arc
sure you just need to have mkb+other items to outdps arc with 2 rapiers and 10 sec bkb under field buff vs a carry that has like 700 GPM just sitting in base and spamming clone piece of cake =)))
30 sec CD on ulti makes him a good support actually. A little greedy, but even I did decent work in my first game with the hero so.
He is some ghost with a fishbowl on his head and he speaks with some robovoice from low budget sci-fi movies.
That's like the definition of anti-badass.
He used to be a really good pts assassin tho.
He now a good support
Biggest nerf was that clone has its own cd
That was a bad nerf
From 9 match i won 7 out of it
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Is he actually a good support or something?