General Discussion

General Discussiontips for playing windranger

tips for playing windranger in General Discussion

    I am a 1500MMR player and I love playing with windranger the problem is after laning stage I fall behind in both xp and money

    my build is almost always the same : phase -> maelstrom -> agh then bkb or mkb depending on the game

    any tips?

    Your Wife's Boyfriend

      blink or shadow blade after maelstrom so you can take some kills and be more efficient, I would say blink but idk invis might be actually better in a 1500 mmr game. At least the item build is pretty ez, aghs, mael, blink, phase are the core items - most likely you go for them every game. The only thing you gotta think of is either you buy linken or bkb for defence (depends on the enemy line-up) and mkb, daedalus, orchid or hex for dmg/disable(also depends on their line up and item choice)

      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

        Shackle. You don't even have to think. You could cast Shackle in an endless, empty void and it WILL find a tree to latch onto.

        Rektdalf the White

          You can try going Phase -> Orchid -> Agha/blink x blink/agha -> mkb/daedalus and somewhere between put bkb if needed - depending on the enemy lineup and situtation. I find that maelstrom is not always needed in the early game and quick orchid will help you in ganks much more. So I'd say go for orchid first if your intention is to fight more than farm, which I believe in 1,5 is more common. Build orchid -> force fights through ganks -> criple enemy farming cores -> profit.

          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
          Player 175043649

            go phase and then straight to aghs, deal damage early game with your power shot, if your enemy are nimble or hard to shackle like am or puck go blink after phase, get null in early game it helps, after laning phase stack 1 or 2 times and clear that with your powershot, farm if you have nothing to do, dont waste your time trying to get kills, try to get aghs around min 20, and try getting ks with your powershot, after aghs and blink go for damage item like daedalus or mkb it's up to you, maelstorm also works, or you can try bloodthorn it's good af on wr

            and why do you always play on wednesday and thursday lol

            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

              ^ those are more than likely his or her free days.

              idk how 6.87 has changed stuff but I used to start with null+tangs then into bottle (optional), phase, aghs, shadow blade/blink/force staff, into situationals such as scythe, mkb, diffusal, euls, mjollnir, and linken's.

              I guarantee you'll be able to play wind in the offlane at your rank as they won't capitalize on a weak offlaner. So long as you play smart yourself. Hell, I played offlane wind in 4.5k and got away with it just fine as well.

              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
              Rektdalf the White

                yup 3k offlane wind is legit unless they have some chain stun trilane, which is rare occasion though


                  please don't build agh first


                    Phase, blink, aghs, maelstrom, crystalis(upgrades later) ,mkb, bkb if needed pls dont buy deso


                      U should just have a null wand phase bottle and tp early game and u just farm with ur powershot while last hitting creeps on whatever lane ur on, u can kill certain heros or gank if ur lucky with ur runes, if ur games going well just pick up a point booster and get an early aghs, that way u can just go around killing people that are out of position or just push towers / take rosh pretty easily. After that just get a dagger and you should be able to solo kill anyone, after that u either get a bkb if its needed, usually after a crystalis or just go for a straight deadlus and u legit just kill anyone within shackle duration.